Putin’s War - 3 Cover Image

Putin’s War - 3
Putin’s War - 3

Author(s): J Scott Younger
Subject(s): Politics, Security and defense, Military policy, Russian Aggression against Ukraine, Russian war against Ukraine
Published by: Mednarodni inštitut za bližnjevzhodne in balkanske študije IFIMES
Keywords: Russia; Ukraine; war; Vladimir Putin; military policy;
Summary/Abstract: Putin’s war is in its 4th week and no end in sight, although the protagonists have agreed to talk again. Meanwhile, the people flee the country to safety, the count being over 3.0 million to date, with Poland generously opening their country to more than half the number. Sanctions are getting heavier, the oligarchs are being pursued more rigorously for their ill-gotten gains, but it is said that Vladimir Putin himself is worth $200 billion, with a significant amount of this probably in a more stable currency than the rouble. Whatever, he personally is cushioned from the pain he inflicts on his own people as well as the Ukrainians, whose country he is devastating because they won’t behave as he tells them. The Russian people hear largely what he wants them to hear through State-controlled outlets, because he has shut down all the free media outlets, except what the more tech-savvy, generally younger people can obtain through their mobiles. Shades of ‘1984’. It is not so long since the nearby East European countries can easily forget the stultifying hand of the Soviet era from which even some Russian people are trying to flee.

  • Page Count: 3
  • Publication Year: 2022
  • Language: English