Az esélyegyenlõségi politika Janus-arca. Kistelepülések, társadalmak, konfliktusok
The Janus Face of the Policy of Equal Opportunities. Small Settlements, Societies, Conflicts
Author(s): György Szarvák, Krisztina JászSubject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: MTA Politikai Tudományi Intézete
Summary/Abstract: From the data processed in the research we may assume that – in spite of the spread of modernisation among the romas – social and economic inequality has remained and has become more complex. As a new element of social gap we may emphasize the effect of information society – the lack of information culture –, and the main characteristics of the settlements (accessibility, infrastructure, the administrative classification etc.). Besides unemployment the romas’ way of living, their culture and because of deep-routed stereotypes discriminations are another general sources of conflicts. In the opinion of interviewed persons these problems could be handled by delivering health-care and community development programs on local level. Beyond present troubles growing number of elderly and disabled people becomes crucial as well. Unfortunately present processes further decrease the retention potential of local settlements. The respondents have named mergering of schools as the next source of conflicts, which is a consequence of inherited disadvantages, and should be treated on central level, not on a local one. An important lesson of the research is that providing of equal opportunities can be mainly supported by social land programmes and telecottages in the case of small settlements. The main advantage of these two programmes is that personal activities contribute to the individual conflict- management, and through these activities socially excluded people will be able to re-integrate themselves into society in an easier way. The majority of respondents suppose that equal opportunity policies – through partnerships of organisations between different sectors – will be able to reduce prejudices, change the point of view and mentality of people and boost of tolerance.
Journal: Politikatudományi Szemle
- Issue Year: 2005
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 135-156
- Page Count: 21
- Language: Hungarian