The Developments of the Analytical Fragility Methods in Seismic Risk Assessment – A Review Cover Image

The Developments of the Analytical Fragility Methods in Seismic Risk Assessment – A Review
The Developments of the Analytical Fragility Methods in Seismic Risk Assessment – A Review

Author(s): Ahmed Moussa, Petros Christou, Nicholas Kyriakides
Subject(s): Architecture, Energy and Environmental Studies
Published by: Exeley Inc.
Keywords: Capacity-Spectrum Method; Corrosion; Fragility curves; Incremental dynamic analysis; Mainshock-Aftershock; Seismic risk assessment

Summary/Abstract: The fragility curves are an essential tool in the seismic assessment of structures and provide a versatile tool to conduct vulnerability analysis for retrofitting and strengthening purposes. The available advancements of computer computational power led to the improvement of the efficiency of the analytical fragility curves. Therefore, this paper focuses on reviewing the recent research developments in the analytical fragility analysis methods. Furthermore, the developments of the intensity and damage measures are presented. In addition, the joint hazards effects on structural fragility are addressed particularly for the environmental degradation and mainshock-aftershock sequence. Finally, recommendations are presented for improving the fragility analysis and highlighting the possible future research areas.

  • Issue Year: 16/2016
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 70-81
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: English
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