The Longing for Silence As Transposed by Friederike Mayröcker into Poetry Cover Image

Die Sehnsucht nach Stille und ihre ‚Übersetzung‘ in Poesie bei Friederike Mayröcker
The Longing for Silence As Transposed by Friederike Mayröcker into Poetry

Author(s): Eleonore De Felip
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Keywords: Intermediality; Avantgarde Music and Literature; Indeterminacy; Concept of Silence; Intensity

Summary/Abstract: One of the characteristics of Friederike Mayröcker‘s lyricalpoetry is the frequent occurrence of auto-reflexive and metapoetical moments.Hence, the paper focuses upon a lyrical text, which enacts and simultaneouslyreflects the process of becoming of a poem. In „»auf der Suche nach derverlorenen Stille« (John Cage)― Mayröcker adopts John Cage‗s concept ofsilence (i.e. there is no absolute silence) by integrating the presence of noiseand everyday sounds into the ‗silence‘ of her poetical world. Her poemconcerns both the longing for silence as the premise for creative writing and thetransformation of silence into words. Moreover, it equally absorbs the inspiringpresence of real and imagined acoustic perceptions as well as that of outer andinner voices. Within the wide-open ears of the lyrical instance, fragments ofreality mutate to moments of creative ecstasy. The poem ends, after a comma,with the white ‗silence‘ of the blank sheet, engulfed in the vastness of animagined echo.

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