The Little Prince is Not Well. Essay on Education Gone into Reverse Cover Image

Le Petit Prince ne va pas bien. Essai sur une pédagogie à rebours
The Little Prince is Not Well. Essay on Education Gone into Reverse

Author(s): Corina Iftimia
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, Comparative Linguistics, Theory of Literature
Keywords: education gone into reverse; literature; cinema; The Little Prince; trauma;

Summary/Abstract: In the present paper we compare Saint-Exupéry‘s Le petit princewith Mike Osborne‘s movie The Little Prince from the perspective of certainmodern teaching strategies, which we consider to be ―anti-pedagogical‖ at best.The aim of this essay is to point out that nowadays‘ education, be it parental orinstitutional, hence child/student-oriented, is going in a wrong direction and,worse even, leading to traumas. One of the multiple causes is that literatureplays an ever less significant role in the process of education..

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