Revisions – Adjustments – Idiolects. Two French Excursions towards
Lambro and Kordian Cover Image

Rewizje – korekty – idiolekty. Dwie francuskie wycieczki w stronę Lambra i Kordiana
Revisions – Adjustments – Idiolects. Two French Excursions towards Lambro and Kordian

Author(s): Iwona Puchalska
Subject(s): Polish Literature, Theory of Literature, Sociology of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Keywords: Juliusz Słowacki; Lambro; Kordian; Johann Wolfgang Goethe; George Sand; World Literature; Wenceslas Gasztowtt; Danièle Chauvin;

Summary/Abstract: The point of departure of the article is the Goethean assumption that intercultural exchan-ge within Weltliteratur can result in mutual “adjustments” of understanding, assessmentand evaluation. Lambro and Kordian, two specifically related texts by Słowacki, weretherefore situated in the French context, understood not in the genetic sense, but in thesense of reception. Two literary commentaries of various types were analysed, one ofwhich is an example of the reception mediation of a representative of Polish culturein exile, the other, an element of French literary studies (these are: the introduction byWenceslas Gasztowtt to the French translation of Słowacki’s works from the 1860s andthe article Le drame romantique : le héros et l’histoire dans « Le Prince de Hombourg» de Kleist, « Kordian » de Słowacki et « Lorenzaccio » de Musset by Danièle Chauvinfrom 2000). These texts, created for different purposes and in different periods, sharea common field of comparative references (including George Sand’s Essai sur le dramefantastique), but at the same time are differentiated by their cultural contextualisationand different location in relation to Mickiewicz’s legend, meaning that they providenon-standard interpretative impulses which are refreshing in relation to today’s domi-nant ways of reading Lambro and Kordian.

  • Issue Year: 2024
  • Issue No: 61
  • Page Range: 99 - 114
  • Page Count: 16
  • Language: Polish
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