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Result 257341-257360 of 319894
Sasanian horse armor

Sasanian horse armor

Sasanian horse armor

Author(s): Patryk SKUPNIEWICZ / Language(s): English / Issue: 3/2014

The main idea of this paper is to define general types and the evolution of horse armor employed by elite warriors of Sasanian Iran, basing on literary sources and iconographical evidence with minor reference to archaeological finds. Furthermore these types will be compared to mount’s protection employed in other parts of early mediaeval Asia, being the foundation for formidable protective equipment of later Mongol, Chinese and Islamic armies. This would lead to vision of evolutionary development of Sasnian bardings.

Sexual Violence as a Form of War Tactic and Criminal Terror — Victimological Perspective

Sexual Violence as a Form of War Tactic and Criminal Terror — Victimological Perspective

Sexual Violence as a Form of War Tactic and Criminal Terror — Victimological Perspective

Author(s): Wiesław Pływaczewski / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2022

Keywords: genesis of sexual violence in armed conflict; definition of sexual violence as a war tactic; scale and geography of war sexual violence; criminological theories; phenomenology of wartime sexual

Until recently, the issue of sexual exploitation treated as a kind of war tactics not a popular research topic for criminologists. For that reason, the main task of the author of the presented study was to sum up the hitherto research efforts in the indicated area, as well as, by presenting the historical and contemporary background of the analysed phenomenon, to show its latest forms. The phenomenological part of the undertaken considerations documents the extent of the wartime sexual violence, taking into account its geography, and discusses the most frequently used criminal methods and techniques. In the conclusion of the study, the author justifies the need to extend the existing criminological definition of the phenomenon in question, especially by the forms of violence used by mafia and terrorist organisations. The analysis, following the victimological perspective, concludes with suggestions referring to wartime sexual violence prevention.

Countermeasures for Combatting the Terrorist Use of Aerial Drones — Bringing Research and Innovation to Operational Reality

Countermeasures for Combatting the Terrorist Use of Aerial Drones — Bringing Research and Innovation to Operational Reality

Countermeasures for Combatting the Terrorist Use of Aerial Drones — Bringing Research and Innovation to Operational Reality

Author(s): David FORTUNE,Holger Nitsch,Andrew STANIFORTH / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2022

Keywords: aerial; counter-drone; counter-terrorism; drones; innovation; protect; security; systems; technology; threat; training; unmanned vehicle; vulnerability

This article outlines the issues surrounding unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) illegal incursions and malicious attacks that occur with alarming regularity, providing evidence of the continuing threat posed by actors with hostile intentions, including committed and motivated activists seeking to pursue their political, ideological or environmental goals. As unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) (drone) technology continues to evolve rapidly, the response to UAVs threats must keep pace with it, with an understanding of the dangers and risks posed by drones remaining a key element in reducing incidents involving illegal drones.

The Financing of Terrorist Activities

The Financing of Terrorist Activities

The Financing of Terrorist Activities

Author(s): Waldemar Zubrzycki / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2022

Keywords: terrorism; terrorist organisation; terrorist activities; terrorism financing; counter-terrorism

The functioning of terrorist groups, like all other organisations, require appropriate financial resources. The phenomenon of terrorism needs a series of resources available for the terrorist organisations, including financial support. Terrorist financing is an area that cannot be completely defined, and the conclusions concerning it are often based on speculations and assumptions. However, it is known that there are many ways to obtain it, both legal and illegal. There is also no doubt that terrorists are still looking for new, hitherto unknown ways of financing their activities. It includes the direct expenditures for the attacks and the costs of establishing and maintaining the organisational infrastructure, its security logistics, and promoting their ideology. Among counterterrorism experts, one can come across the opinion that cutting off their funding sources is an effective method of dismantling terrorist organisations. Combating terrorism financing became an essential tool to counteract this menacing phenomenon. This article aims to overview how funds are raised and used by terrorist organisations.


Cognitive appraisal, coping strategies and humor styles in the staff of social rehabilitation institutions

Cognitive appraisal, coping strategies and humor styles in the staff of social rehabilitation institutions

Author(s): Anna Karłyk-Ćwik / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: humor; stress; cognitive appraisal; coping strategies; rehabilitation educator;

Carried out with a sample of 334 rehabilitation educators, the study had a twofold aim. First, it sought to identify the respondents’ preferred styles of humor, modes of cognitive appraisal and coping strategies, as related to gender. Second, it aimed to establish whether and, if so, how these variables are correl


Efficiency of Functioning the Manager (Commander) in a Hierarchical Organisation

Efficiency of Functioning the Manager (Commander) in a Hierarchical Organisation

Author(s): Jarosław Wołejszo / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: commander; manager; hierarchical organisation;

The effi ciency of operation of hierarchical organisations (military, police, State Fire Service, Border Guard, etc.) is largely derived from the effectiveness of the work of commanders (managers) at all levels. It is they who indicate the goals of the activity, assign tasks to subordinates and coordinate their work. At the same time, they have the personal, material, fi nancial, and information resources necessary to perform the assigned tasks. Therefore, it seems important to properly understand the role and tasks that commanders/managers perform in hierarchical organisations. The necessity to take up this issue results mainly from the change in the scope of tasks and the structural and organisational changes of these formations (the army, the Police of the State Fire Service). The increasingly broader spectrum of tasks set for our army, police and fi re brigades results in a permanent modifi cation in the fi eld of skills and qualifi cations of modern commanders. In the process of analysing these changes, one should take into account the scientifi c basis derived from the chievements of the theory of organisation and management as well as one’s own solutions and experience in this area. The article presents selected aspects of the role and tasks of modern commanders (managers) as well as shortcomings in the organisation of work by a manager/commander. Hence, after defi ning the role of the commander, their tasks in the form of duties and powers are described. Effi cient and effective operation of commanders requires a number of activities and specifi c skills. Therefore, the description of activities and leadership skills is a logical complement to the chapter. Moreover, the essential functions and roles performed by commanders are highly correlated with the basic roles of managers in civil organisations. Therefore, the analogies between the work of commanders and the work of managers in civil organisations were also taken into account


Social responsibility of Polish health care in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic

Social responsibility of Polish health care in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic

Author(s): Dominik Hryszkiewicz / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: health care; pandemic; health security; social responsibility;

For several decades the health care service in Poland has been an institution at the centre of attention of both those in power and society as a whole. There are many reasons for this interest, ranging from the economic aspect to the national social policy sphere. This article provides an insight into health issues in Poland from a slightly different perspective. It contains an analysis of the institutions of the health care system in Poland in terms of its multidimensional social responsibility as a special kind of obligation to all community members. It highlights social responsibility as a modern tool for managing contemporary organisations, including public ones. The study also includes an analysis of the range of opportunities to make demands on the management of healthcare services in the field of health security. The health care system in Poland is one of the most strategically important fields for the state's social policy, which has recently been confronted with probably the greatest test in the post-war history of this country. It is becoming increasingly common among practitioners and experts in the social sciences to use the concept of health security as an integral part of designing the state's internal security strategy. The author also considers the health care system as a set of institutions constituting one of the greatest organisational challenges for both effective social policy and Poland's internal security in the years to come


Police in the crisis management system during the Oder River mass fish die-off operations

Police in the crisis management system during the Oder River mass fish die-off operations

Author(s): Rafał Kochańczyk,Bartłomiej Burniak / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: crisis management; police; environmental pollution; cooperation;

The crisis management and critical infrastructure protection system is one of the most important elements of state security. Since ensuring safety requires constant supervision, it is necessary to carry out such activities by public administration bodies and institutions properly prepared for actions in crisis situations. The effi cient operation of state authorities depends to a large extent on an experienced administrative apparatus, developed procedures, and involvement of relevant services, inspections and guards. In the Polish crisis management system, an important role is played by the voivode, who is responsible not only for the state of government administration, but also for actually ensuring safety in the voivodeship. One of the main entities supporting the voivode in these activities is the Police, which in addition to their basic tasks in the fi eld of ensuring public safety and order, have the strength and means to act in crisis situations caused, i.a., by a natural disaster or a technical failure.


Medical and penal consequences of hitting with a shovel or spade considered as offensive weapons similarly to firearms and knives under the Penal Code

Medical and penal consequences of hitting with a shovel or spade considered as offensive weapons similarly to firearms and knives under the Penal Code

Author(s): Piotr Tomasz Arkuszewski,Karol Kłosiński,Zbigniew Pasieka / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: shovel; spade; bodily injuries; the Penal Code;

While the extant penal code includes the concept of an object as dangerousas a fi rearm or a knife, it does not defi ne such weapons. In practice, the indication of such items is left to the courts. The aim of the study is to assess the medical and legal consequences of using a shovel or spade when attacking a human being with regard to their similarity to a fi rearm or knife. The research material consists of judgements of the criminal divisions of common courts concerning situations where injuries were caused by the use of a shovel or a spade. The fi ndings lead to the conclusion that the medical and legal consequences of using a shovel or spade against humans are wide ranging. Their use against a person poses a real risk of causing serious injury, and these items should be treated as being as potentially dangerous as a fi rearm or knife


Risk Assessment in Undercover Police Operations Part 2

Risk Assessment in Undercover Police Operations Part 2

Author(s): Krzysztof Horosiewicz / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: undercover operation; undercover police officer; risk perception; risk assessment; behaviour; secret operation;

Undercover police operations are used for the most serious crimes when the possibilities of other operational methods have been exhausted. The specifi city of this non-standard tactic of police operations is associated with many threats to the participating offi cers who work undercover. This study aims to examine the threats accompanying secret operations conducted in Poland and determine the extent to which the UCO’s experience infl uences the risk assessment and behaviour of policemen participating in such operations. Empirical research was conducted using a diagnostic survey method. The research results do not unequivocally confi rm the relationship between the experience of undercover policemen and risk estimation. However, they allow for inference about their behaviour during undercover operations


Artificial intelligence and future crime in the context of computer forensics

Artificial intelligence and future crime in the context of computer forensics

Author(s): Pawel Olber / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Artificial intelligence; machine learning; computer forensics; forensic science; digital evidence; crime;

The aim of this article is to discuss the role, tasks and challenges of computer forensics in the context of the development of AI-enabled crime. The issues described in the article refer to potential future threats that have been identifi ed as the most troublesome for society. The considerations in the article are preceded by a critical analysis of the research that has been conducted in the fi eld of artifi cial intelligence and computer forensics so far. The literature analysis allows the claim that the future of computer forensics is automation based on machine learning algorithms. It has also been concluded that the development of artifi cial intelligence will defi ne new areas of computer forensics that take into account the analysis of neural network models and learning datasets


Identification of Soft Power in the Security Policy of the Republic of Poland

Identification of Soft Power in the Security Policy of the Republic of Poland

Author(s): Dariusz Krzęcio / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: soft power; security policy of the RP; National Security Strategy of the RP;

The aim of this article is to identify soft power in the security policy of the Republic of Poland (RP). Cause-effect analysis is used to identify the object of cognition (soft power in the security policy of the RP), as it serves to determine the fundamental connections between soft power in the RP’s security policy, soft power components, and their purpose. In turn, word-formation is supported by induction, philological and intuitive methods, and also logical methods. It allows us to determine the scope and content of fundamental concepts. This article explains the validity of soft power in building the position of the RP in the international arena and safeguarding the national interest of Poland, particularly in the context of ensuring Polish security. Moreover, the author determines the scope and content of soft power in the post-1989 security policy of the RP, among other things by analysing documents of the National Security Strategy of the RP and National Security Bureau actions. As a result, the most impor- tant and fundamental components of soft power, RP’s security policy, and soft power in the RP’s national security policy have been identified.


Commentary on Judgement of the Supreme Court of May 6, 2022, II CSKP 78/22 (approving)

Commentary on Judgement of the Supreme Court of May 6, 2022, II CSKP 78/22 (approving)

Author(s): Małgorzata Grześków / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Police; militarised services; officer; compensation for the period of being out of service;

The ruling under review deals with an issue that has long been present in doctrine and jurisprudence. The commented judgement is yet another statement of the Supreme Court concerning the jurisdiction of the court in cases relating to civil claims of reinstated offi cers. However, the analysed judgement is signifi cant because it determines not only the jurisdiction of common courts (which has already been confi rmed in previous case law) but also determines the character of the benefi t granted under Article 42 paragraph 5 of the Police Act. The interpretation of this provision adopted by the Supreme Court opens the way for reinstated offi cers to seek compensation from the State Treasury over the limit specifi ed in this provision

Good Stories… Un/Making Transformations of Post-industrial Cities

Good Stories… Un/Making Transformations of Post-industrial Cities

Good Stories… Un/Making Transformations of Post-industrial Cities

Author(s): Britta Acksel / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: transformation story; sustainability; post-industrial cities; urban governance;

“Sustainability” is used strategically in urban governance; it is a means as well as an end. Some argue that the focus often lies on the former. The point of this paper is not to show that “sustainability” is used to achieve a diverse set of goals, but rather how this is done. The article starts with three stories about the transformations of three post-industrial cities (Malmö, Essen, Almada) and lays out how the transformations have been enacted (or not), thus demonstrating the dynamic and context-specific way “sustainability” is put to work in urban governance. Further, the argument is that stories, due to their ontological entanglements, may well be more than “good stories”. In and through stories, “sustainability” as an urban governance issue is un/made along with certain kinds of post-industrial cities. The article points out how stories make sustainability marketable while unmaking it as something that requires fundamental change. Moreover, the claim is that these two stories make competitive post-industrial cities and unmake connections between industrial pasts and global environmental challenges. Nevertheless, they also cause critique and dispute and might pave the way for different dis/connections.

The Repercussions of the Untold, and Why One Needs to Know

The Repercussions of the Untold, and Why One Needs to Know

The Repercussions of the Untold, and Why One Needs to Know

Author(s): Kathrin Pabst / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: silence; collective memories; difficult heritage; intergenerational transfer of trauma; long-term consequences of war and migration; three-generational perspective;

The article takes its starting point in more than 160 personal narratives from former migrants, their children, and grandchildren. The testimonies have been collected by cultural-history museums in seven European countries – Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Lithuania, Slovenia and Croatia – and provide a haunting impression of the long-term consequences of war and forced migration for at least three generations. The research aimed at understanding how exactly the Untold and the silence of the first generation – the not-sharing of what they, as time witnesses, experienced – can be sensed by their children and grandchildren and influence their lives, family relations and the surrounding society in a negative way. The findings show that the need for personal and public information by the second and third generations cannot be overestimated and that sharing and getting to know could be a key to more healthy relations between family members and within communities.

Voices Heard (Again): Istrian Italians in and out of Istria

Voices Heard (Again): Istrian Italians in and out of Istria

Voices Heard (Again): Istrian Italians in and out of Istria

Author(s): Lidija Nikočević / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: involuntary migration; traumatic past; difficult heritage; Istrian “Exodus”; museums;

The emigration of Istrian Italians after the Second World War, most often called the “Exodus”, has been a frequent topic of many historical and anthropological studies. This paper reports on new findings based on the EU project Identity on the Line, which studied and interpreted a series of involuntary migrations and unwanted consequences for peoples, communities and individuals in Europe in the middle of the 20th century. In the research of the Istrian “Exodus”, an effort was made to find new testimonies and stories and reach voices that had not been “heard” thus far. In this process, it became obvious that the status and fate of the Istrian Italians who did not emigrate, the so-called “Rimasti” (less studied so far) is very complex due to the ambivalent relationship with the emigrated Istrian Italians (the “Esuli”) as well as with the newly created social environment. Photographs and statements from both communities were collected and meant to be used for two exhibitions, films and publications, thus bringing to light their intimate accounts (some of which were told for the first time), presenting them in a public space. This transformation necessarily implied very careful and sensitive cooperation with the informants, with the aim of making their traumas more visible, as well as establishing museums as institutions where increased efforts are made to communicate “difficult heritage”.

English-Eskimo and Eskimo-English Vocabularies: Special Insight into Late 19th Century Alaskan Eskimos

English-Eskimo and Eskimo-English Vocabularies: Special Insight into Late 19th Century Alaskan Eskimos

English-Eskimo and Eskimo-English Vocabularies: Special Insight into Late 19th Century Alaskan Eskimos

Author(s): Renata Šamo / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: Eskimo-Aleut or Inuit-Yupik-Unangan language family; Eskaleut languages; Alaska; ethnographical insight; English-Eskimo and Eskimo-English entries;

This paper focuses on the English-Eskimo and Eskimo-English Vocabularies, published by the Government Printing Office in Washington, D.C. in 1890, which appeared with the general aim to motivate a wider range of people to learn about the Arctic Eskimos and make communication with them easier, but it was initially designed as a handbook for Alaskan school teachers. Although the publication can be approached from different perspectives, allowing many interpretations, the current author emphasizes the crucial circumstances under which it was produced, simultaneously drawing special attention to the existence of Eskaleut languages.

Debating Abortion and Contraception in Socialist Yugoslavia: A Microhistorical Perspective

Debating Abortion and Contraception in Socialist Yugoslavia: A Microhistorical Perspective

Debating Abortion and Contraception in Socialist Yugoslavia: A Microhistorical Perspective

Author(s): Chiara Bonfiglioli,Sara Žerić / Language(s): English / Issue: 1/2023

Keywords: socialist Yugoslavia; abortion; contraception; microhistory;

This article discusses the debates on abortion rights and practices that took place in socialist Yugoslavia. It focuses on the microhistorical case studies of Varaždin and Karlovac, with specific attention given to the period between the first liberalisation of abortion for social reasons in 1960 and the full liberalisation of abortion until 10 weeks in 1969. The primary sources for this article stem from the collections of the Conference for the Social Activity of Women in the Croatian State Archives, as well as periodicals such as Arhiv za zaštitu majke i djeteta issued by the Institute for the Protection of Mother and Child in Zagreb. Digitalised local press sources – Varaždinski vjesnik and Karlovački tjednik – are also explored. As shown in the paper, the liberalisation of abortion in 1960s Yugoslavia generated a wide array of dilemmas for women and practitioners alike. While legal abortions were seen as necessary to curb illegal ones, they were nonetheless perceived by local practitioners as something that should best be prevented and which could prejudice a woman’s reproductive abilities, particularly in the case of first pregnancies. Many women recurred to legal and illegal abortion as a result of the lack in health infrastructure, unavailable contraceptives, difficult social conditions and persisting patriarchal gender norms.

The Role of Diaspora Policies, Ethnic Capital and International Education in Brazilian Migration

The Role of Diaspora Policies, Ethnic Capital and International Education in Brazilian Migration

The Role of Diaspora Policies, Ethnic Capital and International Education in Brazilian Migration

Author(s): Bruno Castro Gabellini,Marko Valenta / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2022

Keywords: Brazil; ethnic capital; international students; multiple stepwise migrations;

This article delves into the experiences of Brazilian students studying abroad, examining the factors that drive and hinder this type of international migration. Our analysis emphasises the importance of exchange programmes, transnational connections, and diasporic practices. We contend that the desire to emigrate is fostered by relative underdevelopment, but that international and local factors present structural barriers to realising those aspirations. As a result, individuals must seek alternative avenues, with educational exchanges and student mobility programmes emerging as critical resources. We also explore how ethnic and human capital can facilitate mobility for many Brazilians, enabling them to overcome structural barriers that often require them to navigate multiple nation-states. This study thus contributes to the conversation on the connections between ethnic and human capital on the one hand and multinational, stepwise migrations on the other.

Croatian Diaspora as a Potential Tourist Market: The Case of Canada

Croatian Diaspora as a Potential Tourist Market: The Case of Canada

Croatian Diaspora as a Potential Tourist Market: The Case of Canada

Author(s): Doris Peručić,Marijana Greblički,Adrian Beljo / Language(s): English / Issue: 2/2022

Keywords: diaspora tourism; Croatian Canadian community; motives for travelling to Croatia; travel characteristics; tourism experience; future travel intentions;

Diaspora members feel a strong connection to their homeland. Their motivations for travel in the homeland range from visiting the homeland, relatives, and friends, searching for their “roots”, attending important national and religious holidays, conferences and educational programmes to using health services, visiting tourist attractions and having a holiday. This research study aims to identify and analyse the personal motives of the Croatian diaspora residing in Canada for visiting and revisiting the homeland, their socio-demographic profile, travel characteristics, tourism experience and future travel intentions. The empirical research was conducted among members of the Croatian Canadian community. It is based on an online survey conducted from January to March 2022. The findings show that Croatian Canadians are an attractive market segment for diaspora tourism. The primary motives for travelling to Croatia are associated with visiting family and friends, visiting the homeland, and going on a beachside holiday. For the emigrant population, nostalgia/homesickness is the other crucial motive for travelling to Croatia, while for their descendants, it is sightseeing/visiting tourist attractions. Respondents born in Canada are more satisfied with tourism development than those born in Croatia. More than 80% of Croatian diaspora residing in Canada are definitely planning to visit or revisit their homeland in the future. The article provides new insights into the motivation and behaviour of Croatian Canadians as potential tourists visiting Croatia, which is insufficiently researched in tourism literature. It enables a better understanding of the unique characteristics and nature of the travels of diaspora members of two generational groups, which facilitates decision-makers to adapt to their needs. The study provides guidance for improved management of diaspora tourism.

Result 257341-257360 of 319894
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