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Result 317541-317560 of 319247
A Crash Test: EU Strategic Autonomy in the Foreign Policy of France
0.00 €

A Crash Test: EU Strategic Autonomy in the Foreign Policy of France

A Crash Test: EU Strategic Autonomy in the Foreign Policy of France

Author(s): Łukasz Maślanka / Language(s): English

Keywords: EU; France; foreign policy; crash test; strategic autonomy;

France uses the idea of EU strategic autonomy as a tool in its own foreign policy. France’s aim is to redefine the Union’s partnership with the U.S. and NATO. Hence, the activity of President Emmanuel Macron in emphasising the differences between the positions of the U.S. and the EU, especially in relations with China and Russia. Macron’s rhetoric worries other European countries and hides the real problems in EU security policy, such as insufficient financing of the Common Security and Defence Policy as well as the lack of a clear definition of strategic autonomy.

Political Deadlock in Israel
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Political Deadlock in Israel

Political Deadlock in Israel

Author(s): Michał Wojnarowicz / Language(s): English

Keywords: Israel; politics; elections; deadlock;

An attempt to build a coalition majority after the second elections this year in Israel have failed. Without concessions from the leaders of the major political forces, the next election, scheduled for 2 March 2020, may not resolve the unprecedented stalemate.

Decisive Victory for the Conservatives in the 2019 UK General Election
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Decisive Victory for the Conservatives in the 2019 UK General Election

Decisive Victory for the Conservatives in the 2019 UK General Election

Author(s): Przemysław Biskup / Language(s): English

Keywords: UK; General Election; Conservatives; Victory;

The Conservative Party won the 2019 general election with their strongest mandate to govern since Margaret Thatcher’s success in the 1980s and backed by the largest parliamentary majority since Tony Blair in 2001. The results should provide enough votes for the swift ratification of the Withdrawal Agreement and the opening of talks on the EU-UK future relationship in February. The Tories’ success was possible due to the fierce competition between Labour and the Liberal Democrats. The results also increase the likelihood of independence and unification referendums in Scotland and Northern Ireland, respectively.

Latest Yuan Depreciation Escalates U.S.–China Dispute
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Latest Yuan Depreciation Escalates U.S.–China Dispute

Latest Yuan Depreciation Escalates U.S.–China Dispute

Author(s): Marek Wąsiński / Language(s): English

Keywords: USA; China; Yuan; Depreciation;

The U.S. and China are escalating their trade conflict despite negotiations to resolve it. In response to new tariffs to be imposed by the U.S., the Chinese authorities allowed their currency to depreciate below the symbolic value of 7 yuan per dollar on 5 August, which led to plunges in major global stock exchanges, among other effects. The protracted and escalating dispute, now expanded to currency issues, will negatively impact the global economy, including the EU’s.

Servant of the People Party Wins Absolute Majority in Ukrainian Parliament
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Servant of the People Party Wins Absolute Majority in Ukrainian Parliament

Servant of the People Party Wins Absolute Majority in Ukrainian Parliament

Author(s): Daniel Szeligowski / Language(s): English

Keywords: Ukraine; parliament; People Party; elections; majority;

Servant of the People, a party associated with President Volodymyr Zelensky, won early parliamentary elections in Ukraine with 43% of the votes in the proportional part and 129 out of 199 seats in single-mandate districts. The party is the first in modern Ukrainian history to gain an absolute majority in the Verkhovna Rada.

Kim-Trump Meet in Panmunjom
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Kim-Trump Meet in Panmunjom

Kim-Trump Meet in Panmunjom

Author(s): Oskar Pietrewicz / Language(s): English

Keywords: Donald Trump; Kim Jong Un; meeting; foreign policy;

On 30 June, U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met for the third time, in a meeting notable for Trump walking into North Korea. The event was mainly an image-building opportunity for both leaders but they did agree to revive working-level negotiations on denuclearisation and sanctions. For North Korea, the meeting is another step in overcoming political isolation. For South Korea, whose president Moon Jae-in accompanied both leaders, it was a chance to regain significance as an intermediary in the U.S.-North Korea talks.

G20 Osaka Summit Outcome Similar to Last Year’s Meeting in Buenos Aires
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G20 Osaka Summit Outcome Similar to Last Year’s Meeting in Buenos Aires

G20 Osaka Summit Outcome Similar to Last Year’s Meeting in Buenos Aires

Author(s): Marcin Przychodniak,Marek Wąsiński / Language(s): English

Keywords: G20; Osaka; Summit; economy; trade; USA; China;

In the conclusions of the G20 summit in Osaka on 28–29 June, the leaders warned of risks to economic growth and expressed support for free trade and reform of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). However, the most important event of the summit was the meeting of U.S. President Donald Trump and Chinese leader Xi Jinping. They confirmed the resumption of trade negotiations, which could lead to the withdrawal of the tariffs and counter-tariffs imposed due to the ongoing trade conflict and greater opening of the Chinese market to U.S. companies.

Xi Jinping’s Visit to North Korea
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Xi Jinping’s Visit to North Korea

Xi Jinping’s Visit to North Korea

Author(s): Oskar Pietrewicz / Language(s): English

Keywords: China; North Korea; Xi Jinping; Kim Jong Un; visit; foreign policy; trade; denuclearisation;

On 21–22 June, Chinese leader Xi Jinping visited North Korea where he met with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. It was the first visit of the Chinese president to North Korea in 14 years and the fifth summit of the leaders in 15 months. Xi and Kim used the meeting to put pressure on the U.S. to continue the talks with the North on denuclearisation and negotiate with China on trade.

Tokayev Elected President of Kazakhstan
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Tokayev Elected President of Kazakhstan

Tokayev Elected President of Kazakhstan

Author(s): Arkadiusz Legieć / Language(s): English

Keywords: Kazakhstan; president; elections; Kassym-Jomart Tokayev;

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, as expected, won the presidential elections in Kazakhstan on 9 June with almost 71% of votes in the first round. His victory marks the culmination of the first stage of the succession of power after Nursultan Nazarbayev and ensures the continuation of the country’s domestic and foreign policy. However, the scale of protests during the elections is a challenge for the country’s stability.

End of The INF Treaty
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End of The INF Treaty

Koniec traktatu INF

Author(s): Artur Kacprzyk / Language(s): English

Keywords: nuclear weapons; security; treaty; foreign policy;

Stany Zjednoczone wystąpiły 2 sierpnia br. z Traktatu o całkowitej likwidacji pocisków rakietowych krótkiego i średniego zasięgu (INF) z 1987 r., wskazując na wieloletnie łamanie go przez Rosję. Administracja Donalda Trumpa chce rozwinąć technologię i wprowadzić do służby zakazane wcześniej wystrzeliwane z lądu pociski manewrujące i balistyczne o zasięgu 500–5500 km. Będzie dążyła do rozmieszczenia takich pocisków, wyposażonych wyłącznie w głowice konwencjonalne, w Azji, a być może także w Europie. Będzie to jednak zależało od dynamiki politycznej w USA i ustaleń z sojusznikami.

United Transitional Cabinet of Belarus in Exile Active in Its First Year
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United Transitional Cabinet of Belarus in Exile Active in Its First Year

United Transitional Cabinet of Belarus in Exile Active in Its First Year

Author(s): Anna Maria Dyner / Language(s): English

Keywords: Belarus; United Transitional Cabinet; Exile;

During its first year of activity, the Belarusian transitional cabinet formed in exile by Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya consolidated its political position, worked on reform projects and sought support from other countries for Belarusian independence. The Belarusian authorities see this as a threat and have taken a number of steps to obstruct the actions of the interim government in the international arena. It is therefore necessary for Western countries to provide systemic support to the Tsikhanouskaya cabinet so that it can continue to function and prepare a comprehensive reform plan.

Niger Was One Coup Too Many in the Sahel
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Niger Was One Coup Too Many in the Sahel

Niger Was One Coup Too Many in the Sahel

Author(s): Jędrzej Czerep / Language(s): English

Keywords: Niger; Sahel; Coup;

On 26 July, the military overthrew the democratically elected, pro-Western president of Niger, Mohamed Bazoum. The regional ECOWAS bloc, followed by France, threatened military intervention. However, it turned out to be politically impossible due to the support that the junta had gained with anti-French slogans and widespread opposition in the countries that were to carry it out, especially Nigeria. Russia and jihadist groups active in the region have gained politically from the coup.

Saudi Arabia’s Sports Investments Linked to Political Goals
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Saudi Arabia’s Sports Investments Linked to Political Goals

Saudi Arabia’s Sports Investments Linked to Political Goals

Author(s): Sara Nowacka / Language(s): English

Keywords: Saudi Arabia; political goals; sports; investments;

Football has joined the list of instruments used by Saudi Arabia to cover up the brutality of the ruling monarchy’s domestic politics and its controversial foreign interventions. This season, Saudi clubs have spent close to $490 million on player transfers to raise the prestige of the domestic league to promote an economic development strategy and build a positive image of the state. The sporting investments are part of the authorities’ increasingly assertive policy towards Western partners.

Draft Nature Restoration Law Raises Controversy within the EU
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Draft Nature Restoration Law Raises Controversy within the EU

Draft Nature Restoration Law Raises Controversy within the EU

Author(s): Stefania Kolarz / Language(s): English

Keywords: EU; Nature Restoration Law; Draft; Controversy;

The draft regulation on nature restoration (NRL) proposed by the European Commission (EC) is controversial among the EU Member States, MEPs, food producers, and others. If adopted, it would, in the long term, contribute to the effective implementation of the European Green Deal (EGD), the EU’s plan to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. The challenge, however, will be to mitigate the negative impacts of the NRL, including on food security, which may become apparent much faster than the benefits of the act.

№213: Wagner Group in Belarus: What are the Consequences for NATO and the EU?
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№213: Wagner Group in Belarus: What are the Consequences for NATO and the EU?

№213: Wagner Group in Belarus: What are the Consequences for NATO and the EU?

Author(s): Filip Bryjka,Anna Maria Dyner,Wojciech Lorenz / Language(s): English

Keywords: Belarus; Wagner Group; Yevgeny Prigozhin; Dmitry Utkin; death; NATO; EU; consequences;

The death of the head of the Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, along with the group’s main commander, Dmitry Utkin, in a plane crash on 23 August could accelerate the military company’s reorganisation. Regardless of the scope of the changes, some of its mercenaries will remain in Belarus and will be used to foster threats to NATO and EU countries. To reduce the effectiveness of their actions, the most threatened countries, including Poland, should treat the group as a terrorist organisation, which can facilitate the coordination of actions within NATO and the EU against such groups.

EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment: Political and Economic Implications for The European Union
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EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment: Political and Economic Implications for The European Union

EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment: Political and Economic Implications for The European Union

Author(s): Sebastian Płóciennik,Marcin Przychodniak,Melchior Szczepanik,Damian Wnukowski,Szymon Zaręba,Łukasz Błoński,Jan Strzelecki,Marek Wąsiński / Language(s): English

Keywords: EU; China; EU; Investments; Agreement; Implications;

On 30 December 2020, China and the European Union concluded the negotiations of the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI). It is intended to replace bilateral investment treaties (BITs) between China and particular EU Member States. The EU and China have been in talks for seven years trying to reach agreement. The deal has yet to be signed and the text of the agreement still needs the approval of the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament. The deal was concluded mainly due to the determination of the German government, which wanted to score a diplomatic success while holding the presidency of the EU Council, and with clear political support from France. Germany was interested in keeping economic opportunities with China open, while France sought to demonstrate the Union’s growing political clout. Both countries are also major investors in China. The signing and ratification process of the CAI could be problematic given the controversies regarding the Agreement. They concern mainly its political significance but also the effectiveness with regard to access to the Chinese market, the level-playing field, and implementation of provisions regarding sustainable development. The agreement plays an important political role in the complicated relations between the EU, the U.S., and China. Since the European Commission received its mandate for the negotiations of an investment agreement with China in 2013, the international environment, China’s internal and economic policies, and EU-China relations have changed profoundly. In the “EU-China Strategic Outlook”, published in 2019, in which the European Commission assessed the state of EU-China relations and presented its prospects, apart from being described as a strategic partner and economic competitor, China is defined as a systemic rival of the EU promoting alternative models of governance. In that regard, adoption of CAI could downgrade the systemic rivalry with China in the EU’s strategic outlook. Moreover, completing the CAI negotiations by the end of 2020, just weeks before the start of the new U.S. administration, which declared a rededication to Europe, undermined the EU’s potential political leverage in relations with China and, as a consequence, Europe’s position on the global stage. CAI, in the form concluded in December 2020, is a blow to transatlantic cooperation vis-à-vis China and supports the latter in its rivalry with the U.S. However, some provisions in the agreement, such as on the services sector could be beneficial for U.S. companies, based on the WTO’s most favoured nation rule. Through agreeing to certain concessions, albeit without legal instruments for the EU to guarantee implementation of the agreement, EU companies, especially those from Germany, France, and the Netherlands - the biggest investors in China - may be in a difficult situation if CAI is ratified and they decide to invest in certain sectors. China treats bilateral economic relations through a political lens and handles them instrumentally. With increasing economic power, China exercises the growing capacity to exert pressure on foreign governments and thus could violate economic agreements, such as the recent example of the one with Australia. Moreover, the finalisation of CAI must not result in muting criticism of China’s human rights abuses and violations of international treaties. China’s regulations concerning internal security, such as the State Security Law or Counterterrorism Law, which are not affected by CAI, or the implementation of a nationwide social credit system and tighter grip on the private sector through, e.g., growing requirements to establish party cells in enterprises (as mentioned in a recent study by the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China), could hamper EU companies’ investment activities. Moreover, if China assumes wide interpretation of national security, practically every EU company’s investment can be blocked. The EU’s level of protection against China’s competitive advantage resulting from restrictions on European companies’ market access or other unfair practises will be patchwork and vary depending on the issue in question. CAI leaves out an investment protection section. Thus, the EU Member States’ BITs will remain applicable for the time being, maintaining different levels of protection for EU investors. The two-year deadline to finalise the investment protection section is toothless - there are no real incentives to bring the parties to the negotiating table and make them seek consensus. So, in the end, CAI may fail to ensure equal protection of EU investors if China refuses to engage in meaningful negotiations. Due to the limitations of the enforcement mechanism, it is unlikely the agreement will provide effective protection against unfair regulatory competition with respect to ILO standards on forced labour, freedom of association, and collective bargaining, as well as environmental standards. Ratification of CAI will not provide decent protection and is weak on reciprocity. Moreover, China has additional tools for modifying the conditions on the ground according to its own interests. Under the increasing grip on the economy that the Chinese one-party state pursues, the unpredictability in doing business in China might even increase. This scenario is probable given that China has not implemented promised structural reforms and because its mixed compliance with WTO dispute rulings challenges the organisation’s fundamental norms. The key issue regarding CAI’s effectiveness is the dispute settlement mechanism, but it is incoherent (exception for subsidies, separate mechanism for sustainability provisions) and does not guarantee comprehensive implementation of the agreement. However, even an effective dispute settlement mechanism might not prove sufficient. Large investments are difficult to withdraw instantly and without losses. Investors themselves, under pressure from Chinese authorities, might be unwilling to report violations and discrimination out of fear of retaliation that may constrain their access to the large Chinese consumer market. Thus, in practise the CAI provisions depend on the confidence in the rule of law in China and the reliability of PRC institutions, which might provide quite weak safeguards for any investment or trade agreement. This may be assessed as insufficient in providing a safe and reliable investment environment that is consequently beneficial for EU investors. Before ratification of CAI, the EU should regain some leverage on China by insisting on ratification of the ILO conventions as a prerequisite, taking into account that the lack of implementation of CAI could hit the PRC. The EU could also demand changes to national laws regarding, among others, labour conditions, as happened in the case of a similar agreement concluded with Vietnam. The EU needs to put in place autonomous measures to defend European interests vis-à-vis China before ratification of CAI. This should include an international procurement instrument; a ban on the import of products of forced labour into the EU market; human rights due diligence legislation; measures against unfair subsidies on the basis of the EU’s white paper of June 2020; the “bazooka” against economic coercion; and an enhanced investment screening mechanism.

New Prospects Open Up for Deep-Sea Mining
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New Prospects Open Up for Deep-Sea Mining

New Prospects Open Up for Deep-Sea Mining

Author(s): Szymon Zaręba / Language(s): English

Keywords: Deep-Sea Mining; ISA; Mining Code; Environment;

Despite the non-adoption of the Mining Code by the International Seabed Authority (ISA), the possibility of obtaining permits from the ISA to extract metals from the seabed in international waters has opened up since July this year to companies and countries, including Poland. The challenge will mainly be to ensure an adequate level of environmental protection, so it is advisable to accelerate research to develop more environmentally friendly extraction technologies.

Japan, South Korea, and the U.S. Declare Expanded Trilateral Partnership
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Japan, South Korea, and the U.S. Declare Expanded Trilateral Partnership

Deklaracja Japonii, Korei Płd. i USA o rozszerzonym partnerstwie trójstronnym

Author(s): Mateusz Piotrowski / Language(s): English

Keywords: Japan; South Korea; USA; foreign policy; trilaterat partnership;

18 sierpnia przywódcy Japonii, Korei Płd. i Stanów Zjednoczonych spotkali się na trójstronnym szczycie w Camp David. Partnerzy zdecydowali się na zacieśnienie relacji w obliczu rosnącego zagrożenia ze strony Chin i Korei Płn. oraz współpracy tych państw z Rosją, która prowadzi wojnę na Ukrainie. Zainicjowanie poszerzonej współpracy w formacie trójstronnym, w tym gotowość Japonii i Korei Płd. do kooperacji, wzmocni założenia strategii USA wobec IndoPacyfiku i usprawni współpracę z sojusznikami w regionie.

Gender Mainstreaming in Protection and Rescue and Disaster Risk Reduction. Analysis and Checklist for Gender Mainstreaming in the work of Protection and Rescue Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Gender Mainstreaming in Protection and Rescue and Disaster Risk Reduction. Analysis and Checklist for Gender Mainstreaming in the work of Protection and Rescue Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Gender Mainstreaming in Protection and Rescue and Disaster Risk Reduction. Analysis and Checklist for Gender Mainstreaming in the work of Protection and Rescue Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Author(s): Medina Mujić,Vedrana Frašto,Vildana Džekman / Language(s): English

Keywords: Accident and disaster conditions; gender analysis; gender mainstreaming; protection and rescue; gender equality; Bosnia and Herzegovina;

Analysis of Gender Mainstreaming in Protection and Rescue and Disaster Risk Reduction has been conducted by the Cure Foundation in cooperation, guidance and guidance of members of the IPA DRAM BiH Working Group and the BiH Gender Equality Agency of the BiH Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees, under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) Disaster Risk Assessment and Mapping in the Western Balkans and Turkey (DRAM) Regional Programme (IPA DRAM). Beneficiary countries of this programme are Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo and Turkey. The purpose of the Regional IPA DRAM Programme is to improve coherent national systems for data collection on disaster-related damages and loses, risk assessment and mapping, as well as compliance and integration into the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. One of the cross-cutting issues of the IPA DRAM Programme is gender mainstreaming in protection and rescue and reducing the risk of accidents and disasters. In this regard, an IPA DRAM regional workshop on this very topic was held in Sweden on 5 and 6 March 2019. Its aim was to build contact between protection and rescue institutions and institutions responsible for gender equality in order to identify the need to have gender mainstreaming introduced in the work of the protection and rescue institutions. One of the conclusions from the workshop is the need to carry out educational programmes, develop guides and instructions and ensure better coordination of institutions responsible for protection and rescue and gender equality. The workshop resulted in a proposal for each country to undertake an activity to launch or advance gender mainstreaming in protection and rescue and reducing the risk of accidents and disasters.

Countering Violence With Dialogue - Gender-Based Violence and Multi-Religious Dialogue
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Countering Violence With Dialogue - Gender-Based Violence and Multi-Religious Dialogue

Countering Violence With Dialogue - Gender-Based Violence and Multi-Religious Dialogue

Author(s): Zilka Spahić Šiljak,Sabiha Husić,Milica Bakić-Hayden,Marija Grujić,Jadranka Rebeka Anić,Alen Kristić / Language(s): English

Keywords: dialogue; violence; gender; multi-religious dialogue; domestic violence;

The Dialogue Against Violence training course originated as part of the “Gender-based Violence and Multi-religious Dialogue” project jointly implemented by the TPO Foundation and Medica Zenica with the support of UN Women. The project was conceived and designed to build on the activities begun by the TPO Foundation in 2008 to promote the CEDAW Convention and UN Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security. After successfully concluding a training seminar entitled “Modification of Cultural Behaviour Patterns of Women and Men in B-H” in 2009, attended by representatives of nine NGOs from B-H, TPO and Medica Zenica decided to continue this type of training, with particular reference to gender-based violence and multi-religious dialogue. Since women are largely excluded from multi-religious dialogue and peace building in official projects of the state and religious communities, our intention was to draw on the potential and capacity developed by NGOs in B-H since the war, and to strengthen them by means of further training to develop the skills needed to overcome stereotypical cultural behaviour patterns and predetermined gender roles. This training package is innovative in both content and methodology, analyzing gender-based violence issues and multi-religious dialogue on a comparative, interdisciplinary and gender-sensitive basis. The comparative approach to the gender perspectives of the monotheistic religious heritage of Catholicism, Orthodox Christianity and Islam provides a clearer insight into the arguments and views of universalists and cultural relativists concerning women’s rights, as well as revealing the similarities and differences of these three religious traditions as they define gender policy in their own discourse. Though we live in a secular society in B-H, religion plays an important part in defining identity and gender relations, and it is vital therefore to include a religious perspective in every area of civil society, taking advantage of the positive potential and arguments of the monotheistic faiths. Our aim with this type of training is to conduct a dialogue between the religious and the secular, the faith-based and the civil, the theistic and the atheistic, so as to show that it is possible to change people’s awareness of and views on gender-based violence, which is affecting every stratum of society and undermining the sound foundations of family life and society as a whole. We hope that this training course and the accompanying material will give women in local nongovernmental organizations and religious communities greater capacity to respond to the challenges of the context in which we live and the problems faced by the women, children and even men affected by violence. After completing the training course/seminars, participants will continue working in their own local communities to educate as many women and men as possible on issues of peace, reconciliation, non-violence and dialogue, as vital prerequisites for a life without violence. We should like to take this opportunity to thank our co-workers, Dr. Milica Bakić-Hayden, Dr. Jadranka Rebeka Anić, Marija Grujić MSc, and Alen Kristić MSc, who worked with us on developing the training course. We are particularly grateful to Marija Grujić MSc, who prepared the workshops for the texts on peace, non-violence and multi-religious dialogue. Our thanks also go to UN Women for supporting this project, and to the non-governmental organizations in B-H who are helping to publicize and implement the CEDAW Convention and UN Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security. We should like to make it clear that the ideas and views expressed in this book do not reflect the official views of UN Women.

Result 317541-317560 of 319247
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