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Result 318861-318880 of 319252
The triad of politics-demography-national security in the destiny of Bulgarians

The triad of politics-demography-national security in the destiny of Bulgarians

Триадата политика – демография – национална сигурност в съдбата на българите

Author(s): Trendafil Atanasov Mitev / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: demographics; demographic policy; demographic catastrophe; National Security

In the history of the Bulgarian people, a permanent trend is laid down, which is manifested by the certainty of an unchangeable political law: in the implementation of an incorrect policy by the authorities in relation to the demographic state of the nation, the Bulgarians and their country are faced with the most serious tests. In some of the cases (at the end of the 90s of the 14th century), the finale was the sunset and liquidation of the independent state institution. And vice versa – when conducting the optimal possible favorable demographic policy, the Bulgarian nation grows very quickly and solves the most significant problems related to its existence (the example of the survival of our nation during the period of Ottoman rule, the conquest of liberation in 1878, the rapid development of the economy and culture in the second half of the 20th century, etc.). During the last quarter century of the current century, once again the authorities in Sofia did not implement the optimal possible policy for the current conditions, which would prevent the spontaneous „escape of Bulgarians from the motherland“, which is why the problem related to national security again comes to the fore as a primary state task. This article is an attempt to reveal both the adverse consequences of the wrong demographic policy for national security and also the benefits that national security gains from pursuing a policy that pushes forward the development of national demographic potential. The purpose of the article is to summarize the existing experience – both with a negative tone and with a constructive content, in order to apply what life has proven to be useful for the upward development of Bulgaria. Because without a people there is no country. In a country with a small population, national security cannot be guaranteed.

Migration Processes and Risks on Inter-ethnic Relations in Bulgaria

Migration Processes and Risks on Inter-ethnic Relations in Bulgaria

Миграционни процеси и рискове за междуетническите отношения в България

Author(s): Anna Mantarova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: risks; cross-border migration; national security; attitudes and reactions towards immigrants

The article discusses a particularly important problem in today's conditions of political and economic instability and military conflicts – the impact of contemporary migration processes on inter-ethnic relations. Statistical information was used, as well as data from nationally representative empirical sociological surveys. The two migration streams that have the potential to influence inter-ethnic relations in Bulgaria are outlined – that of illegal migrants from the Middle East and Africa and the other one of Bulgarian citizens – ethnic Turks, who emigrated several decades ago to Turkey and their descendants. The attitudes of the local population towards immigrants and potential risks of a negative impact on ethnic and interreligious relations are outlined.

Etno-demograthic stratification in Bulgaria – the dynamics from distant 1986 to close2019 and the new refugees minority in current 2023. Riscs and challenges to the national security

Etno-demograthic stratification in Bulgaria – the dynamics from distant 1986 to close2019 and the new refugees minority in current 2023. Riscs and challenges to the national security

Етнодемографска стратификация в България – динамика от далечната 1986 до близката 2019 и новото малцинство от бежанци през 2023 г. Рискове и предизвикателства пред националната сигурност

Author(s): Mihail Stoyanov Mirchev / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: national representative survey; stratification pyramid and profiles; transition; social polarization; macro-range analyses; Social model; socialism; neoliberal capitalism; Globalization; Arabic-Islami

The paper presents own empirical data of national representative surveys, valid for current resident population within Bulgaria, aged 18-70, conducted by Agency ASSA-M with comparable samples. It focuses the stratification pyramid of Bulgarian population and its shifts from 1986 – the end of the „developed socialism“ epoch, through transitory 2001-2011 decade, up to 2019. The paper discusses the civil effect in the stratification profile in four focal points – in 2001 after the so called „Transition“ (1989-1999), that was the First Transition from socialism to liberal capitalism; in 2011 after the social optimism decade regarding Bulgaria’s accession to the EU – that is the Second Transition (2007); in 2019, that where 5 years after the time of Third Transition (2014-2017), that was the time of total mafiatization of the State and Government – as a substance that was the return to the model of one party and one political leather domination, in the state and manifestations of new feudalism and authoritarianism. The macro-range of the shifts in the system of the Bulgarian society, which resulted in a sharply changed stratification profile and society’s civil model is characterized. It is not only about the Base of the society, but also about the complete reconstruction in the society’s Superstructure, of the new ideological dogma and political correctness in the state. It is also about the abrupt and radical relocation of Bulgaria from East to West in its global positioning as a country and Bulgarian nation. All is analyzed as inner social and societal, state and institutional environment of civil uncertainty and national security problem. As a base of increased risk of illegal Arab-Muslim immigration from 2014 up to now, the aggregation of risky mass of eastern „refugees“ in Bulgaria and their sitting here as a new „national minority“ which doubles and triples the problems of Bulgarian national security.The paper presents own empirical data of national representative surveys, valid for current resident population within Bulgaria, aged 18-70, conducted by Agency ASSA-M with comparable samples. It focuses the stratification pyramid of Bulgarian population and its shifts from 1986 – the end of the „developed socialism“ epoch, through transitory 2001-2011 decade, up to 2019. The paper discusses the civil effect in the stratification profile in four focal points – in 2001 after the so called „Transition“ (1989-1999), that was the First Transition from socialism to liberal capitalism; in 2011 after the social optimism decade regarding Bulgaria’s accession to the EU – that is the Second Transition (2007); in 2019, that where 5 years after the time of Third Transition (2014-2017), that was the time of total mafiatization of the State and Government – as a substance that was the return to the model of one party and one political leather domination, in the state and manifestations of new feudalism and authoritarianism. The macro-range of the shifts in the system of the Bulgarian society, which resulted in a sharply changed stratification profile and society’s civil model is characterized. It is not only about the Base of the society, but also about the complete reconstruction in the society’s Superstructure, of the new ideological dogma and political correctness in the state. It is also about the abrupt and radical relocation of Bulgaria from East to West in its global positioning as a country and Bulgarian nation. All is analyzed as inner social and societal, state and institutional environment of civil uncertainty and national security problem. As a base of increased risk of illegal Arab-Muslim immigration from 2014 up to now, the aggregation of risky mass of eastern „refugees“ in Bulgaria and their sitting here as a new „national minority“ which doubles and triples the problems of Bulgarian national security.

The Russia-Ukraine military conflict and the risks facing Bulgaria

The Russia-Ukraine military conflict and the risks facing Bulgaria

Военният конфликт Русия – Украйна и рисковете пред България

Author(s): Ivaylo Hristov Hristov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: conflict; military conflict; security; elite; risk

The text examines the nature of the war in Ukraine, the possible scenarios for its development and the risks Bulgaria faces. The key question of the study is: could the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine develop into a nuclear war? And who needs it?! The answer is given by the dynamics of the economic rivalry between the two main centers of capital: the Rothschild clan and the Rockefeller clan. It is pointed out that our country has been declared „frontline“ and as such has been turned into a hostage of the American and British Anglo-Saxon and Jewish elites.

Risks to ethnoreligious peace in disasters, crises and emergencies

Risks to ethnoreligious peace in disasters, crises and emergencies

Рискове за етнорелигиозния мир при бедствия, кризи и извънредни ситуации

Author(s): Evgeni Petrov Manev / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: Bulgarian ethnic model; culture; religious; crisis

The report examines the main theoretical assumptions about the Bulgarian ethnic model, its principled connection with the cultural model and ethnoreligious relations. In this perspective, some important, risks for the violation of ethnоreligious tolerance and peace in the state are also considered. The principled connection for these processes with disasters, crisis and emergencies situations have been analyzed.

About the Political Conditioning of the War

About the Political Conditioning of the War

Относно политическата обусловеност на войната

Author(s): Yordan Stoyanov Doykov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: security; state; state interest; geopolitical imperative; foreign policy; force; domestic policy; balance of power

The article offers a reflection on the political conditioning of war. Its starting point is the state's primary concern – security. Meaningfully, it is materialized in the state interest, in the raison d’Etat. The fundamental basis of the state interest is in the protection of the subjectivity of the state itself. Inasmuch as the raison d'Etat is ultimately oriented fundamentally towards security in order to hold the community together and hence has a direct bearing on whether the state defends itself by military means or by other means relevant to the specific situation, the question of realization on its part is reached of its geopolitical imperative by applying Kremer's principles.

The genocide of the Thracian Bulgarians and the attempts of the Bulgarian state to protect the ethno-religious and property rights of the Bulgarian minority in Turkey and Greece

The genocide of the Thracian Bulgarians and the attempts of the Bulgarian state to protect the ethno-religious and property rights of the Bulgarian minority in Turkey and Greece

Геноцидът над тракийските българи и опитите на българската държава да защити етнорелигиозните и имуществените права на българското малцинство в Турция и Гърция

Author(s): Petar Yordanov Nenkov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: ruin of the Thracian Bulgarians; the Second Balkan War; atrocities of the Ottoman authorities over the Bulgarians; the first genocide in Europe in the 20th century; The Treaty of Angora between Bulgar

The destruction of the Thracian Bulgarians in 1913 was genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Bulgarian population in the southern part of the region of Thrace during and soon after the Inter-Allied War. It was carried out by the regular army of the Ottoman army and the bashibozuka. The affected areas in which genocide is being committed against the Thracian Bulgarians include Eastern (Odrina) Thrace and Western (White Sea) Thrace.

The fabrication of a „Pomak ethnic group“ and the possible revision of the Lausanne Peace Treaty

The fabrication of a „Pomak ethnic group“ and the possible revision of the Lausanne Peace Treaty

Фабрикуването на „помашки етнос“ и евентуалната ревизия на Лозанския мирен договор

Author(s): Georgi Stefkov Kulov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: pomak; Lausanne Peace Treaty; revision; ethnic group; Sunni; Shia; Alevi; multiculturalism; U.S. Department of State

Fabricating a „Pomak ethnicity“ is crucial for keeping the state borders set by the Lausanne Peace Treaty and certain Balkan states have been making efforts to assimilate the Bulgarian Muslims within their territories by grouping them into a „Pomak ethnic group“, thus preventing any possibilities for them identifying as Bulgarians.

Countering foreign traveling fighters

Countering foreign traveling fighters

Противодействие на чуждестранни пътуващи бойци

Author(s): Rusi Vladimirov Yanev / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: foreign traveling fighters; radicalization; stages of radicalization; extremism; organized crime; terrorism

The emergence and development of the processes of radicalization, extremism and terrorism of representatives of different social groups are often associated with ethno-religious conflicts. Limiting and overcoming conflicts of this nature are primarily aimed at neutralizing foreign traveling fighters, as part of terrorist organizations. In order to counter them successfully, the competent human rights bodies, together with the general public, organize and conduct events to study the structure and composition of the fighters, their motivation to plan and carry out terrorist acts. The report identifies and partially explains the concept of „foreign traveling fighters“, examples of their detection and neutralization, and elements of the general model for countering them.

The way out of political agony

The way out of political agony

Изходът от политическата агония

Author(s): Katya Zhivkova Mihaylova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: political agony; political field; charisma; elections; dystopic discourse

The article is focused on political agony in Bulgaria in the period of 2021-2023 as one of the risks not only for the ethno-religious peace but for the development of the state and society. It clearly differentiates the concept of „political crises“ from the concept of „political agony“, tries to mark the genesis of the agony in the political field and to provokes thought to look for ways out of the agonizing state of the political. In this sense, the report points to the risk – the political agony – and focuses on options to reduce the damage to man and society, to security and peace, that it could cause.

Network analysis of the risk by country of foreigners granted refugee status and foreigners granted humanitarian status in the Republic of Bulgaria for the period January 2021 – June 2023

Network analysis of the risk by country of foreigners granted refugee status and foreigners granted humanitarian status in the Republic of Bulgaria for the period January 2021 – June 2023

Мрежов анализ на риска по държави на чужденците с предоставен статут на бежанец и с предоставен хуманитарен статут в България за периода януари 2021 – юни 2023 г.

Author(s): Miglena Ivanova Ivanova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: network analysis of risk; refugees; network model operations stress factor; full reserve of network model operations

The report presents an approach for a network analysis of the risk by country of foreigners granted refugee status and foreigners granted humanitarian status in the Republic of Bulgaria for a thirty-month period – from January 2021 to June 2023. For the purposes of the illustrated network analysis of risk in the present study, the stress factor and the full reserve of works of ten network models by country are used for foreigners granted refugee status and foreigners granted humanitarian status in the Republic of Bulgaria for the reported period.

Islam: Myths of a Security Threat in Europe

Islam: Myths of a Security Threat in Europe

Ислямът: митове за заплаха на сигурността в Европа

Author(s): Asen Kolev Asenov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: risks; ethnicities; religions; Europe; security; terrorism; radicalization; Islam

The topic of Islam is extremely relevant for Europe because it directly affects the security and existence of the continent. Before evaluating and analyzing Islam, one must know the theology of the religion, as claimed by the famous Islamic scholar D. Exposito. Glenn Beck takes an opposite negative position. All three monotheistic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – have passed through the stage of violence. Islam has a number of specific manifestations in European countries that must be taken into account as they are closely related to their social peace and security.

Legal mechanisms of protection against religious discrimination for the purpose of public safety in the Republic of Serbia, shortcomings in regulations problems in practice

Legal mechanisms of protection against religious discrimination for the purpose of public safety in the Republic of Serbia, shortcomings in regulations problems in practice

Legal mechanisms of protection against religious discrimination for the purpose of public safety in the Republic of Serbia, shortcomings in regulations problems in practice

Author(s): Aleksandra Jovanović,Aneta Cvetkovic,Nikola Jovanovic / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: religion; prohibition of discrimination; criminal protection; constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms; security

Some of the basic human freedoms - freedom of thought, conscience and religion are covered by the principle of non-discrimination from the point of view of law, morality and politics. This principle derives from the constitutional principle of equality and separation of churches and religious communities from the state of Serbia. It is precisely from this principle and the rights guaranteed by the constitution that the state's obligation to be neutral in relation to religious organizations registered on its territory arises. In order to prevent endangering or preventing the enjoyment of human rights and basic freedom of religion, the state prohibits religious discrimination through numerous regulations. For the purpose of sanctioning illegal discrimination, this issue is regulated by the Criminal Code of the Republic of Serbia, which enables the state to protect public safety on its territory. Uneven regulations dealing with this issue and their uneven application are present in practice, while difficult application of regulations in the field of prohibition of discrimination is present in practice in the territory of RS Kosovo and Metohija. The goal of the work is to raise awareness and encourage a response to discrimination for the purpose of public safety, to contribute to the appreciation of diversity and point out the problem of discrimination, but also to point out the shortcomings of international and national regulations that regulate the principle of non-discrimination and the still insufficient and uneven fulfillment of regulations in practice, and all for the full protection of citizens from discrimination.

The privileges of the senior nomenclatura and ethnic peace in Bulgaria during totalitarianism

The privileges of the senior nomenclatura and ethnic peace in Bulgaria during totalitarianism

Привилегиите на висшата номенклатура и етническият мир в България през тоталитаризма

Author(s): Georgi Lyubenov Manolov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: privileges; nomenclature; ethnic peace

This paper examines the problem of political privileges of the top nomenklatura in totalitarian Bulgaria (1945-1989) and their impact on ethnic peace in the country. A detailed analysis is made of these privileges, which extended into absolutely all social spheres and served the upper echelon of the nomenklatura. A plethora of facts, data and evidence of their illegitimate (and legitimate) and unjust nature in the society are brought forth. The main damage done by the privileges on the ethnic peace in the country is also analyzed in the context of the alienation and demoralization of the political elites of the time.

Inflation and its pressures in the context of fiscal security

Inflation and its pressures in the context of fiscal security

Инфлацията и натискът ѝ в контекста на фискалната сигурност

Author(s): Boyko Mitkov Petev / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: inflation; pressure; threat; fiscal; security

Controlling the pressure of inflation, which is a serious threat to the economic and fiscal security not only in Bulgaria, but also in the other EU member countries, necessitates taking a system of measures. Inflationary pressure is a process that affects the economies of countries and the lives of every citizen and threatens their financial security.

Taxation of foreign natural persons' income from real estate sales in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria – problems, risks and impact on the tax security of the state

Taxation of foreign natural persons' income from real estate sales in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria – problems, risks and impact on the tax security of the state

Данъчно облагане на доходи на чуждестранни физически лица от продажба на недвижими имоти на територията на Република България – проблеми, рискове и влияние върху данъчната сигурност на държавата

Author(s): Nedyalka Ivanova Petrova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: taxation; foreign persons; income; real estate; tax security

The report analyses the taxation of foreign persons' income from real estate sales on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and the problems that arise in practice. It focuses on the risks and the impact on the tax security of the country in relation to the topic. Attention is paid to the court practice and the practice of the National Revenue Agency (NRA).

Socio-economic aspects of immigrants and their organizations in the South-Central region of Bulgaria 2008-2012

Socio-economic aspects of immigrants and their organizations in the South-Central region of Bulgaria 2008-2012

Социално-икономически аспекти на имигрантите и техните организации в район Южен Централен на България 2008 – 2012 г.

Author(s): Vesselin Panov Loulanski / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: economic profile of immigrants; integration of immigrants

The present report represents a study of civil society structures in the integration processes of immigrants in the South Central region of Bulgaria within the framework of state policy in the field of migration, asylum and integration.

Risk management of excise duties as part of fiscal security

Risk management of excise duties as part of fiscal security

Управление на риска при акцизните задължения като част от фискалната сигурност

Author(s): Boyko Mitkov Petev / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: management; risk; excise; fiscal; security

Risk management of the development of customs administrations requires systematic monitoring, reporting and accounting of the status of the process. Only in this way can it be monitored, while the risks are managed successfully, if the implemented measures reduce the risks and contribute to the achievement of the objectives. This ensures transparency and traceability in risk management and the activity as a whole.

The political crisis in Bulgaria 2021-2023

The political crisis in Bulgaria 2021-2023

Политическата криза в България 2021 – 2023 г.

Author(s): Ivan Stoychev Vinarov / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: electoral cycle; meta-electoral cycle; parliamentary elections; political crisis; presidential elections

In the spring of 2021, only the fourth four-year rule of Republic of Bulgaria came to an end. After Ivan Kostov (1997-2001), Simeon Saxe-Coburg Gotha (2001-2005) and Sergey Stanishev (2005-2009), the third cabinet of Boyko Borisov (2017-2021) kept the executive power in its allotted 4-year and closed the regular electoral cycle for holding parliamentary elections. But the change in public attitudes and the unforeseen dynamics of the political process after the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic and the protests of the summer of 2020 lead to the emergence of another political crisis in Bulgaria, from which there is still no prospect of exit (despite the drafting of „the rotation cabinet“ of N. Denkov and M. Gabriel at the beginning of the June 2023).

Anti-corruption policy in healthcare

Anti-corruption policy in healthcare

Антикорупционна политика в здравеопазването

Author(s): Emilia Angelova Kasova / Language(s): English,Bulgarian / Publication Year: 0

Keywords: corruption; lobbying; structures; healthcare

The problems related to the anti-corruption policy in health care are related to clarifying the main factors and characteristics of public health. Another important direction is the creation of conditions for improving people's quality of life. The existing system of health control of the manufacturers and distributors of medicines, consumables and medical equipment and of the providers of health services to the population, acquires special importance. It is necessary to observe the modern principles and a new modern approach of health care control.

Result 318861-318880 of 319252
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