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Result 318941-318960 of 319234
№ 49 - Belgrade and Banjaluka: Together for Partition of Bosnia

№ 49 - Belgrade and Banjaluka: Together for Partition of Bosnia

№ 49 - Beograd i Banja Luka: Zajedno za podelu BiH

Author(s): Author Not Specified / Language(s): English,Serbian

Keywords: Republika Srpska; stabilization of BiH;

Serbia’s attitude towards Bosnia is the biggest stumbling block in the way of regional stabilization. Serbia’s aspirations towards Bosnia date back from the Berlin Congress (1878), annexation crisis in 1908 to present. Serbia’s national elite accepted the Dayton Peace Agreement (1995) as the most optimal achievement against the international backdrop of the time. Ever since Serbia has been pursuing the strategy that has practically incorporated Republika Srpska /RS/ into its economic and cultural space




Author(s): Author Not Specified / Language(s): English,Serbian

Keywords: Serbia's EU Accession;

After three decades of wandering, the defeat of the Greater Serbia project and all the attempts to keep it alive, the Serb elite was divided over a crucial issue: accession to EU. During his two-year premiership (2001-2003) Zoran Djindjic defined Serbia as a European country. Contrary to all expectations, his assassination put this option to death. Extradition of Slobodan Milosevic to the tribunal in The Hague was among Zoran Djindjic’s legacy. And that was a watershed in Serbia’s policy in the years that followed.

№ 60 - Serbia and the World in 2009: Still Standing at a Crucial Juncture

№ 60 - Serbia and the World in 2009: Still Standing at a Crucial Juncture

№ 60 - Srbija i svet 2009: Kritična tačka još nije pređena

Author(s): Author Not Specified / Language(s): English,Serbian

Keywords: Boris Tadic: Vuk Jeremic; Milorad Dodik;

Having applied for EU candidacy (in late 2009), the Serbian government made the first real breakthrough in its proclaimed EU-oriented policy that can not be revoked. Besides, the EU annual report was mostly affirmative for Serbia, the EU also unfroze the Transitional Trade Agreement with it, whereas Serbia met the preconditions for the white Schengen visa regime. Taking all this into consideration, it could be said that the year 2009 was more fruitful than the years before at least from the angle of EU integration processes.

№ 61 - Macedonia: Under Constant Pressure from its Neighbors

№ 61 - Macedonia: Under Constant Pressure from its Neighbors

№ 61 - Makedonija: pod stalnim pritiskom suseda

Author(s): Author Not Specified / Language(s): English,Serbian

Keywords: Djordje Ivanov; Patriarch Irinej; Macedonian autocephaly and Macedonian statehood;

Macedonia’s statehood, nation or church have been denied by its neighbors ever since its independence. Has it not been for EU, US and NATO it would have been thorn by internal conflicts and, probably, by foreign aggression. However, despite the multitude of domestic problems, Macedonia managed to survive and even obtain EU candidacy and membership of NATO. These are the guarantees of its sustainability and social consolidation. Despite some minor disputes over the borderline, Serbia recognized Macedonia in 1996 under the name of the Republic of Macedonia. But the Serb Orthodox Church /SPC/ still denies the autocephaly of the Macedonian Orthodox Church /MPC/ proclaimed back in 1967. The issue of MPC autocephaly is closely connected with the recognition of the Macedonian statehood

№ 62 - Serbia trapped in a Vicious Circle: From Republika Srpska to Kosovo

№ 62 - Serbia trapped in a Vicious Circle: From Republika Srpska to Kosovo

№ 62 - Srbija u začaranom krugu: od Republike Srpske do Kosova

Author(s): Author Not Specified / Language(s): English,Serbian

Keywords: Serbian foreign policy; SEE regional stability;

Serbia’s behavior – notably at international level – is dictated by its proclaimed strategic goals and priorities summed up in the slogan “Both Kosovo and EU.” These are mutually opposed goals and contrary to the criteria and preconditions for EU membership. Controversial behavior at both domestic and international scenes stems from inner tensions and the pressure from the actors who actually determine Serbia’s strategic goals. On the one hand, “realpolitik” (necessitated by the country’s almost catastrophic economic situation in the first place) calls for rationalization of these goals along European course. On the other hand, the once “warring lobby” (patriotic bloc) insists on the attainment of warring goals by legal and diplomatic means. After the fall of Milosevic’s regime this bloc was reinforced with intellectual “followers” of the nationalistic-conservative option.

№ 63 - Serb Progressive Party Prepares the Terrain for Elections

№ 63 - Serb Progressive Party Prepares the Terrain for Elections

№ 63 - Srpska Napredna Stranka: Priprema za izbore

Author(s): Author Not Specified / Language(s): English,Serbian

Keywords: SNS; Serb Progressive Party; Aleksandar Vucic; elections in Serbia 2010;

Serb Progressive Party (SNS) is vigorously preparing the terrain for elections – either early on which it insists or regular scheduled for 2012. Its major objectives at this stage are to attract as many as possible voters of Serb Radical Party (SRS) and to demonstrate its power at local elections called in certain towns in Serbia. It has been successful in both up to now. Its weaknesses, however, are in its poor human resources and actually no-existent party program. Up to now its rhetoric has boiled down to populism, social populism in the fi rst place.

№ 64 - Turkey: A Factor of Regional Stability

№ 64 - Turkey: A Factor of Regional Stability

№ 64 - Turska: Regionalni Faktor Stabilnosti

Author(s): Author Not Specified / Language(s): English,Serbian

Keywords: Turkey and Balkans; Ahmet Davutoglu; Milorad Dodik;

Over the past year Turkey has emerged as a major factor in the Balkans. Turkish diplomacy mediated not only between some countries – between Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina in the fi rst place – but also in sensitive, internal disputes. Serbia has been in the focus of Turkey’s activities as a potential generator of regional instability. This primarily refers to Serbia’s attitude towards Republika Srpska, but also towards Bosnia-Herzegovina as a whole, and its bad relations with neighboring countries. Serbia has been obstructing the process of Kosovo’s international recognition, while the international community has been constantly concerned with its political and religious tensions in its Sandzak region.

№ 65 - West Balkans and European Union After the Meeting in Sarajevo

№ 65 - West Balkans and European Union After the Meeting in Sarajevo

№ 65 - Zapadni Balkan i Evropska Unija nakon Sarajevskog stastanka

Author(s): Author Not Specified / Language(s): English,Serbian

Keywords: Western Balkans and EU;

The EU – Western Balkans Ministerial Meeting of June 2, 2010 in Sarajevo was a failure in terms of the messages stemming from it. Aft er the Sarajevo meeting the ten-year endeavor to bring the Western Balkans closer to EU looks like a paradox: Europe has never before been farther from the Balkans. Even though the meeting did not close down the region’s perspective for joining the EU, it shift ed the accession accent to the requirements for all new members and their “intensifi ed eff orts to meet the criteria and agreed conditions on their road to the membership.”1 In other words, the EU has set more rigorous criteria for the SAA process.

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2006/01
0.00 €

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2006/01

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2006/01

Author(s): Author Not Specified / Language(s): English,French

Keywords: North-Macedonian NATO membership; Srgjan Kerim; Antonio Milososki; EU integration; international relations; diplomacy;

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2006/03
0.00 €

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2006/03

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2006/03

Author(s): Author Not Specified / Language(s): English,French

Keywords: North Macedonia; NATO; reforms; Euro-Atlantic Integration; governance; Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski; European Union; international relations; diplomacy;

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2007/06
0.00 €

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2007/06

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2007/06

Author(s): Author Not Specified / Language(s): English,French

Keywords: North Macedonia; European Union; EU integration process; diplomacy; governance;

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2007/08
0.00 €

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2007/08

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2007/08

Author(s): Author Not Specified / Language(s): English,French

Keywords: North Macedonia; reforms; European Union; accession talks; EU integration process; rule of law;

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2008/12
0.00 €

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2008/12

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2008/12

Author(s): Author Not Specified / Language(s): English,French

Keywords: North Macedonia; international relations; diplomacy; North Macedonia’s constitutional name; European Union; EU accession agenda;

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2008/14
0.00 €

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2008/14

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2008/14

Author(s): Author Not Specified / Language(s): English,French

Keywords: North Macedonia; NATO membership; relations with Greece; North Macedonia’s constitutional name;

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2008/16
0.00 €

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2008/16

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2008/16

Author(s): Author Not Specified / Language(s): English,French

Keywords: North Macedonia; international relations; diplomacy; visa regime;

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2008/20
0.00 €

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2008/20

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2008/20

Author(s): Author Not Specified / Language(s): English,French

Keywords: North Macedonia; international relations; diplomacy; relations between North Macedonia and Greece; North Macedonia’s name; resolution on name issue; EU integration;

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2008/21
0.00 €

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2008/21

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2008/21

Author(s): Author Not Specified / Language(s): English,French

Keywords: North Macedonia; international relations; diplomacy; economic diplomacy; liberalization of visa regime; EU; NATO;

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2015/93
0.00 €

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2015/93

Macedonian Diplomatic Bulletin 2015/93

Author(s): Author Not Specified / Language(s): English,French

Keywords: North Macedonia; international relations; diplomacy; diplomatic relations; EU integration;

HELSINŠKE SVESKE №25: PEOPLE ON SOCIAL MARGIN - Human Rights in Psychiatric Hospitals (September 2006 - March 2007)
0.00 €

HELSINŠKE SVESKE №25: PEOPLE ON SOCIAL MARGIN - Human Rights in Psychiatric Hospitals (September 2006 - March 2007)

HELSINŠKE SVESKE №25: LJUDI NA DRUŠTVENOJ MARGINI - Ljudska prava u psihijatrijskim bolnicama (septembar 2006 – mart 2007)

Author(s): Suzana Perović,Zoran Milojković,Marijana Obradović,Ljiljana Palibrk / Language(s): English,Serbian

Keywords: social margin; human rights; psychiatric hospitals; Kovin; quality of life; patients; law; mental health; mental illness; Vršac; Padinska Skela;

Arhitektonsko-tehnički uslovi, higijena i opremljenost u bolnicama u koje su smešteni psihijatrijski pacijenti na veoma je niskom nivou. Reč je o ustanovama koje imaju velike kapacitete, do 1000 bolesnika, koje su u suštini izolovane od društvene zajednice. Spavaonice su predviđene za smeštaj velikog broja ljudi. U bolnici u Kovinu, na akutnom odeljenju u sobama je smešteno više od 20 pacijenata. Visoki plafoni, nepostojeća toplotna i hidroizolacija, vlažni i memljivi zidovi, betonske podloge, prozori i vrata koji ne dihtuju, itd., često ne obezbeđuju ni minimum potrebnih uslova za smeštaj i lečenje bolesnika; nedostatak i prirodnog i veštačkog osvetljenja, nedovoljna provetrenost, hladni ili mlaki radijatori, deo su svakodnevnih uslova kojima su izloženi i bolesnici i zaposleno osoblje. U nekim odeljenjima (oligofreno odeljenje vršačke bolnice) životni uslovi se mogu definisati kao nečovečno ili ponižavajuće postupanje. Lečenje psihijatrijskih pacijenata u ovim ustanovama je neadekvatno, jer se, uglavnom, sastoji od farmakoterapije. Pacijenti nemaju mogućnost da učestvuju u izboru lekara, niti da donose bilo kakve odluke u pogledu terapije i načina lečenja kojem se podvrgavaju. Podaci iz medicinskih kartona nisu dostupni pacijentima, članovima porodice, niti zastupnicima ili advokatima pacijenata. Kada se nalaze u ulozi somatskih pacijenata, psihijatrijski pacijenti su diskriminisani u drugim zdravstvenim ustanovama. Zdravstveno osoblje u drugim ustanovama, za lečenje somatskih bolesti, odbija da tretira i leči psihijatrijske pacijente na isti način kako se leče drugi pacijenti. Veoma mali broj pacijenata, uglavnom onih koji posećuju dnevne bolnice u sklopu psihijatrijskih bolnica, ima mogućnosti da koristi i druge pristupe u tretmanu osim farmakoterapije. Za sve ostale, što znači za „veliku većinu,“ važi „skladištenje“ u psihijatrijske bolnice koje ih, praktično, izdvaja iz zajednice, čime se pospešuje njihovo brže propadanje. Veliki broj pacijenata u ovim bolnicama, faktički, živi u njima po 10 ili 20 godina, jer nema gde da ode iz bolnice i ne postoji adekvatnija institucija koja bi ove pacijente prihvatila i omogućila im postepenu integraciju u društvo. Osoblje u bolnicama (nemedicinsko, kao i srednji medicinski kadar i više medicinske sestre) nema adekvatnu obuku za rad u psihijatrijskim bolnicama i tretman psihijatrijskih pacijenata. Osoblje nije obučeno tehnikama ne-fizičkog i manuelnog obuzdavanja agitiranih pacijenata. Srednje medicinsko osoblje i nemedicinsko osoblje nije dovoljno nadzirano u popodnevnim i noćnim časovima. Mali broj zaposlenih ostaje u popodnevnim i noćnim smenama sa pacijentima i nema adekvatan nadzor nad njima. Osoblje je zbog uslova u bolnicama, neobučenosti, nedovoljnog broja zaposlenih, nepostojanja jasne procedure za reagovanje u kriznim situacijama, izloženo velikom stresu. Osoblje je posebno nezadovoljno zbog malih primanja, s obzirom na težinu posla kojim se bave i uslove pod kojima rade.

UNREALIZED RIGHTS AND FAILED POLICIES: Representation of national minorities in the state administration and judiciary

UNREALIZED RIGHTS AND FAILED POLICIES: Representation of national minorities in the state administration and judiciary

Neostvarena prava i promašene politike: Zastupljenost nacionalnih manjina u državnoj upravi, pravosuđu i policiji

Author(s): Slađana Božić,Ljubomir Mikić / Language(s): English,Croatian

Keywords: Croatian Constitutional Act on the Rights of National Minorities;

The Croatian Constitutional Act on the Rights of National Minorities, adopted in 2002 with a two-thirds majority of all MPs, stipulates special rights and freedoms of persons belonging to national minorities in order to enable their active and effective participation in public affairs and public life at all levels. Minorities in Croatia are thus guaranteed the right to proportional representation in the state administration, police and judicial bodies. This right is to be exercised using population fi gures from offi cial census results. According to the latest 2011 census, minorities comprise 7.67%, and Serbs 4.36%, of the total population of Croatia.

Result 318941-318960 of 319234
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