„Fiat, magnificat i służba”. Podstawy duchowości maryjnej w pismach św. Urszuli Ledóchowskiej
„Fiat, Magnificat and Service”. The Bases of a Marian Spirituality in the Writings of Saint Ursula Ledóchowska
Author(s): Małgorzata PagaczSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion
Published by: Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska
Keywords: Christian spirituality; Mother of God; Ursula Ledóchowska; service; fiat
Summary/Abstract: This article presents the bases of a Marian spirituality in the writings of St. Ursula Ledóchowska. According to the foundress of the Congregation of the Ursuline Sisters of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus, the words: “fiat,magnificat and service” point to what is fundamental in following the Motherof God, who is a faithful handmaid of the Lord, open to God’s plans and intentions, accepting God’s will and His guidance, which exceeds human ability to understand and comprehend. The triad “fiat, magnificat and service”provides the key words that constitute a signpost for the lives of all believers and allow them to come closer to the mystery of the Mother of the Saviour and to look at Her relationship with God and with people.
Journal: Studia Gdańskie
- Issue Year: 2021
- Issue No: 48
- Page Range: 105-118
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Polish