Plum cultivation in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the Austro-Hungarian occupation and administration with accent  on Brčko city Cover Image

Razvoj šljivarstva u Bosni i Hercegovini za vrijeme austrougarske okupacije i uprave s posebnim naglaskom na ulogu grada Brčko
Plum cultivation in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the Austro-Hungarian occupation and administration with accent on Brčko city

Author(s): Muhamed Nametak
Subject(s): History, Agriculture, 19th Century, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919)
Published by: Izdavačka kuća »Monos« d.o.o
Keywords: plums; dry prunes; Privileged Land Bank; Brčko; plum etiquette; the market;

Summary/Abstract: Plum cultivation as branch of fruit growing did not come in Bosnia and Herzegovina with Austro-Hungarian occupation. Due to the natural circumstances plum cultivation was a lucrative business during the period of Ottoman rule. However, with the arrival of new authorities this enterprise gets a more modern frame. New administration enlisted help from agronomists, special nurseries were built, cultivators were educated how to increase the fruit yields, and what was the most important thing, plum cultivation was legally codified. Measures brought by the new government contributed to the fact that plum cultivation was one of the most significant economic activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. City of Brčko in this business was a place of production, processing and trade, internal and external. Unfortunately, research of this topic found that the biggest benefit from this business was reserved for foreign traders and speculators, while at the same time domestic population was sometimes in role of producers and sometimes in role of traders. However, even with these flaws, due to the plum cultivation Brčko city was one of the economic centers of Bosnia and Herzegovina in this period.

  • Issue Year: 2021
  • Issue No: 52
  • Page Range: 65-74
  • Page Count: 10
  • Language: Bosnian
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