U.S.-Taliban peace deal, successful move or the beginning of the new challenges? Cover Image

აშშ-ტალიბანის სამშვიდობო შეთანხმება, წარმატებული ნაბიჯი თუ ახალი გამოწვევების დასაწყისი?
U.S.-Taliban peace deal, successful move or the beginning of the new challenges?

Author(s): Simon Gureshidze
Subject(s): Diplomatic history, Military history, Political history, Islam studies, Security and defense, Peace and Conflict Studies
Published by: ბათუმის შოთა რუსთაველის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი, ჰუმანიტარული მეცნიერებატა ფაკულტეტის აღმოსავლეთმცოდნეობის დეპარტამენტის „ელექტრონული ჟურნალი“.
Keywords: Taliban; Afghanistan; United States of America;

Summary/Abstract: The article begins with a short description of details of the U.S.-Taliban peace deal. Separately is discussed the short story of the U.S. -Taliban relations from the mid of 1990-ies, till 2020; with the main reasons, how as Al-Qaeda and Taliban were formed in Afghanistan. Recently, the main part is devoted to understand influence of internal actors-Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Haqqani network, on the future political life of Afghanistan. And the Relations between listed movements, beyond the U.S.-Taliban peace agreement. Also, the main part examines the expectations of analysts and international organizations about the Taliban and Al-Qaeda's future behavior. The final section covers the influence of external actors and interests of the regional key players on the country. In particular, TAPI-Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India gas pipeline. The main focus in on perspectives of the involvement and participation not only above listed countries, but also China, Iran, Turkey and Russia and expectable consequences in the aftermath of Taliban-Al-Qaeda, Taliban-Iran, Russia-U.S., India-Pakistan, Turkmenistan-China, Turkey-Pakistan relations. And finally what kind of soil can prepare factionalized Afghan society for regional and international key players.

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