Main issues in relations between Turkey-America at the turn of XX-XXI centuries Cover Image

თურქეთ-აშშ ურთიერთობის ძირითადი საკითხები XX საუკუნის ბოლოს და XXI საუკუნის დასაწყისში
Main issues in relations between Turkey-America at the turn of XX-XXI centuries

Author(s): Beka Makaradze
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, History, Diplomatic history, Modern Age, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Present Times (2010 - today), Geopolitics
Published by: ბათუმის შოთა რუსთაველის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტი, ჰუმანიტარული მეცნიერებატა ფაკულტეტის აღმოსავლეთმცოდნეობის დეპარტამენტის „ელექტრონული ჟურნალი“.
Keywords: Turkey-America;

Summary/Abstract: After the end of the Cold War, within the the new international order, Turkey has chosen a joint move with America. Moreover, there was no anymore such a dangerous force like the Soviet Union. In the process of globalization the balance of economical and political partnership with US and the European Union became a necessary condition, in order to maintain the competitiveness. Thus, in order to get closer to the West, Turkey has come to the need to transform its own internal and external system.If in 90’s of XX century the relations between Turkey and America continued within the framework of a common strategic partnership, after the event of 11th September 2001, this relationship developed in to the fight against international terrorism and the strengthening of democratic ideas. It should be noted that during this period, this relationship was asymmetrical. The term "asymmetric" implies a two-sided concept of relations. An excellent example of political asymmetry is Turkish-American relations. Since Turkey is asymmetric for America, America is asymmetric as well for Turkey.An important element of the foreign policy of the Republic of Turkey is stability in relations with America. The guarantees offered by the United States of America, which affecting the course and the rhythm of Turkey's foreign and domestic policies, are crucial for the country. The interest and desire of the Republic of Turkey to participate in the international system as an active world power is directly proportional to the attitude of the United States. In addition, Turkey's strategic position provides perspectives for meeting these requirements.Turkey and USA has common or personal interests in the many regions of the world. For both country, depending on their own interests, priority is to provide peace and stability in the region. for example Turkey and USA has common mission to solve in Caucasus Region the key conflicts in a peaceful way, provision of territorial integrity in the countries of the region and deterrent of Russia as aggressor, because there is common interests for oil extraction and its transportation. Of course, the different opinions in this kind of issues are inevitable, but to accomplish and reach common goals by the method of mutual understanding gives ability to make other agreements easier in future . In spite of periodical disagreements, key issues such as Iraq, Caucasus, Afghanistan, Middle East and other conflicts, both countries have a vital potential. This great potential determines the clear perspectives of common partnership on their path of future relation between Turkey and the United States.

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