Detection, consequences and influence of injuring a child by a corporal punishment as a method of upbringing Cover Image

Detection, consequences and influence of injuring a child by a corporal punishment as a method of upbringing
Detection, consequences and influence of injuring a child by a corporal punishment as a method of upbringing

Author(s): Katarina Petrović
Subject(s): Criminal Law, Civil Law
Published by: Pravni fakultet za privredu i pravosuđe u Novom Sadu
Keywords: injuries; violent methods; psychological consequences

Summary/Abstract: Upbringing of a child and choosing a method, consciously or unconsciously, has existed since parenting. The aim of this paper is to present the choice of a violent method in upbringing – a corporal punishment of a child, the way how it affects a child’s development and consequences it can cause. Having in mind the complex and sensitive character of the phenomenon, the topic was explored from the aspect of a legal science, but also from the point of non-legal disciplines, such as psychology, sociology of a family and pedagogy. Observations of the achivements from the point of a child`s psychology are of an exceptional importance for the analysis of the consequences that a corporal punishment has on a child. The conclusion indicates that, although the family environment is the most desirable environment for a child, the choice of violent methods in education affects the proper growth and development of children, and it can lead to both temporary and permanent consequences related to a child`s mental and physical health as well as its emotional development. There are difficulties in determining how violent parenting affects a child’s emotional and physical safety and health, unless the result is a more serious physical injury or death. Although the responsibility lies primarely with the family and the activities of the parents, in practice, the most desirable approach is a close cooperation of all adults working with children, including educators, doctors and the whole society.

  • Issue Year: 38/2021
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 189-200
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: English
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