Yaşam kalitesi ve küresel iklim değişikliği
Quality of life and global climate change
Author(s): Özge Uysal ŞahinSubject(s): Energy and Environmental Studies, Environmental interactions, Globalization
Published by: Rating Academy
Keywords: global climate change; quality of life; environment; minimal life;
Summary/Abstract: Although quality of life is often associated with health, it is actually a multidimensional concept. It is shaped by many factors such as education, economy, health and environment. Therefore, quality of life can be defined as the state of well-being in material and spiritual conditions that affect a person’s life. Increasing the quality of education and health and the creation of fair access conditions, increases in national income levels of individuals, technological advances and equal access opportunities, and the extent of environmental pollution determine the quality of life of both individuals and societies. Although it has an environmental dimension, do what we do to improve the quality of life affect climate change? Because the activities that people do to improve their lives and the goals they want to achieve can cause some destruction on nature. For example, while increasing technological opportunities creates conditions that make people’s lives easier and societies progress, it also brings many harms on the environment. Similarly, the increase in the weight of the industrial sector and the services sector in an economy creates conditions that increase the economic power of individuals and improve their quality of life, while it is a fact that it creates negative effects on natural life and the environment. In particular, many industrialization activities polluting agricultural areas, water and air are very common. So what is the solution then? Should the goal of quality of life be abandoned? What needs to be done here is to reconsider the factors that make up the quality of life. In particular, it is the creation of “minimal living” conditions that we talk more about with the pandemic today. In this study, too, we discuss the concept of quality of life in detail and seek answers to the questions of how the factors that determine our quality of life should be and what should be done in the face of a global climate change threat.
Journal: Journal of Awareness (JoA)
- Issue Year: 6/2021
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 147-154
- Page Count: 8
- Language: Turkish