Romanian Fascism in a Central European Context: Historiography and Issues Cover Image

Le fascisme roumain dans un contexte centre-européen : historiographie et problématiques
Romanian Fascism in a Central European Context: Historiography and Issues

Author(s): Traian Sandu
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, History
Published by: Balkanološki institut - Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti
Keywords: fascism; Romania; historiography;inter-wars-period;cold-war-period;

Summary/Abstract: For Romanian fascism, as for most other historiographical fields, 1989 represented an important caesura on several counts. In domestic production, it was the end of National Communism that absolved Iron Guard fascism of its indigenous origins and attributed it to foreign, Italian and German influence. In Western production, the amplification of a reflection on the traits of a generic fascism makes the Romanian case an important example and ends up influencing local production, which is noticeable by a sort of rapid theoretical catch-up and abundant production.

  • Issue Year: 2021
  • Issue No: 52
  • Page Range: 99-128
  • Page Count: 30
  • Language: French
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