İç Anadolu Bölgesine Yönelik Sağlık Turizmi Alanında 2006-2020 Yılları Arası Yapılmış Tezlerin İçerik Analizi
Content Analysis Of Thesis Made Between 2006-2020 in The Field Of Health Tourism to the Central Anatolia Region
Author(s): Zişan Korkmaz Özcan, Harun ÇakirSubject(s): Health and medicine and law, Tourism, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: SD Yayınevi
Keywords: Health tourism; Central Anatolia Region; Content Analysis; Master Theses; Doctoral Theses;
Summary/Abstract: In the field of health tourism, where people prefer to go to another region or country for their health, there have been many studies recently. This study was prepared for the purpose of examining the graduate and doctoral theses of the years 2006-2020 written in the field of health tourism for the Central Anatolia region. Theses published for this purpose; It was classified by content analysis according to type, year, publication languages, universities, departments and institutes. In addition, basic subject areas were determined and information about the sample based on was given. The thesis database of the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) was searched using the keywords "Health Tourism", "Thermal Tourism", "Medical Tourism", "Tourism for the Disabled" and "Tourism for the Elderly". As a result of the research, a total of 26 theses, including 24 master's and 2 doctoral theses, were reached. It was determined that 92.3% of the theses were master's thesis and 7.7% were doctoral thesis. It was seen that 25 (96.15 %) of the theses, which were handled in terms of the language in which they were written, were written in Turkish and 1 (3.85%) were written in English. It was concluded that Konya Selcuk University did the most work, and it was seen that most of the published theses were carried out in the field of thermal tourism, and the subjects were generally discussed in terms of customer satisfaction and service quality. It was determined that the survey data collection tool was mostly used in the studies and the sample group studied was generally composed of health consumers. It is thought that this study will help students and academicians who will work in the field of health tourism.
Journal: Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Davranış Bilimleri
- Issue Year: 7/2021
- Issue No: 14
- Page Range: 333-355
- Page Count: 23
- Language: Turkish