Інтеграція сучасного мистецтва в культурний простір регіонів України
Integration of contemporary art in the cultural space of the regions of Ukraine
Author(s): Mykola Grigorovich Levchenko, Anatolii Fedorovich Forostian, Sergii Vladimirovich KuznetsovSubject(s): Cultural history, Semiotics / Semiology, Culture and social structure , Sociology of Culture, Hermeneutics
Published by: Національна академія керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв
Keywords: contemporary art; cultural landscape of the region; regional development; dialogue of cultures; integration;
Summary/Abstract: The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of the integration of contemporary art into the cultural space of the regions of Ukraine. Methodology. The general scientific methodology was widely used in the research, namely structural-functional, systemic, hermeneutic, axiological, semiotic research methods. The use of elements of structural-functional analysis was associated with the consideration of the object of study as a holistic system in which each element has its place and function in the structure. The scientific novelty of the proposed study is that this issue is not sufficiently covered by Ukrainian scientists and requires a thorough study. Conclusions. The challenge of modernity in Ukrainian society is particularly acute for the search for unifying principles that could become the basis for cohesion and fruitful interaction of different local (regional) cultures. It has been proven that the combination of cultural meanings and values inherent in each of them gives birth to a single field of cultural space. Evidence of the objectivity of its existence is the tendencies to convergence and integration of cultures due to the impact of globalization. Culture is the container of the most stable systems of socio-cultural meanings, universal values, acts as a form of existence and communication of people of different - past, present, and future - cultures, in other words, a form of dialogue and intergeneration of cultures. It is important to note that in the common cultural space are preserved only those values and ideals of local cultures that contribute to the development of society as a whole. The role of contemporary art in the peculiarities of the integration of contemporary art into the cultural space of the regions of Ukraine is assessed. It is noted that the main mission of cultural policy should be the spread of cultural norms, universal and national social ideals, as well as creating conditions for the full and harmonious development of the individual through preservation and involvement of cultural heritage (tangible and intangible), traditions and their actualization in modern life. Contemporary art is of particular importance in the implementation of this problem, and the cultural landscape is a physical and mental expression of the organization of space by man. It allows you to consider the cultural space locally, on the example of a particular region, in its relationship with a single culture. Thus, we can talk about the cultural landscape of the region, region, city, as well as an individual group or other community.
Journal: Вісник Національної академії керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв
- Issue Year: 2021
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 98-101
- Page Count: 4
- Language: Ukrainian