Procesele lui Gheorghe Şincai (în documente publicate în revista Vatra)
Gheorghe Şincai’ s Trials (As They Appeared in Documents Published in Vatra Magazine)
Author(s): Cornel MoraruSubject(s): Media studies, History of Law, Social history, Post-War period (1950 - 1989), Court case
Published by: Biblioteca Județeană Mureș
Keywords: Gheorghe Şincai; trials; Romania; Târgu-Mureş; Vatra; media;
Summary/Abstract: During the seventies and the eighties, Vatra Magazine decided to publish some documents concerning the trials Şincai was involved in and that took place at Târgu-Mureş. The first attempts in this direction took place in 1976 when, in each issue of Vatra, from January untill Decembre, was published a part of the trial text. The introduction was signed by Gheorghe Hosu and the text was translated - from Latin and Hungarian - by Liviu Moldovan. Two years later, in 1978, four issues of the magazine included the text of another trial – that against Pfenningsdorf. There is no introduction - chapeau - but we know the interpreter - the same Liviu Moldovan. The last attempts date from 1981; two of magazine issues - 6 and 7 - reproduce the moment of Şincai’ s inquiry from 1794, when he was emprisoned at Aiud. The text was translated by Liviu Moldovan; it was no longer found at County Archives, but in Papiu Ilarian’ s work Viaţa, operele şi ideile lui Gheoghe Şincai, published in 1869. It is easy to observe that these attempts did not respect the chronological criteria of the trials. But the materials were published as they were received at Vatra’ s editorial office. All these texts - inquiries, examinations, declarations - made us see Şincai from a different perspective. We know that he had a terrible destiny, bad luck and misfortunes; but, in the same time, we have to accept that he was a quick-tempered person and this side of his personnality caused him a lot of troubles.
Journal: Libraria. Studii și cercetări de bibliologie
- Issue Year: III/2004
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 120-127
- Page Count: 8
- Language: Romanian