Textele filosofice ale lui Samuil Micu. O perspectivă filologică
Samuil Micu’ s Philosophical Works. A Philological Perspective
Author(s): MIHAI-ALIN GHERMANSubject(s): Philosophy, History of Philosophy, 18th Century
Published by: Biblioteca Județeană Mureș
Keywords: Samuil Micu; philosophy;
Summary/Abstract: Although he published his works - Loghica and Legile firii…, in 1799-1800 - without signing them as author, it is known today that Samuil Micu wrote those papers, considered to be the first Romanian philosophical texts. Some critics considered that one of them, Loghica, is in fact an adaptation of Christian Baumeister works; but, based on the latest research, we may conclude that Samuil Micu’ s text is an original one. There are some arguments for this: several revised versions, between 1781 and 1799, when Micu published the final text; the linguistic differences between these versions; the vocabulary he used became more common, instead of being a specialized one etc. In the second part of the paper there is a parallelism between the versions published in 1781-1783, 1786-1787 and 1799.
Journal: Libraria. Studii și cercetări de bibliologie
- Issue Year: XI/2007
- Issue No: 6
- Page Range: 45-63
- Page Count: 19
- Language: Romanian