Biblio - itinerar italian. Tipărituri movilene în colecţia Institutului Pontifical de Studii Orientale, Roma
Italian Library Itinerary. Petru Movilă’ s Printings from the Collection of Pontifical Institute of Oriental Studies (Rome)
Author(s): Ştefania-Cecilia ŞtefanSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Cultural history, Library and Information Science, Social history, 17th Century, 18th Century, Philology
Published by: Biblioteca Județeană Mureș
Keywords: Italian Library Itinerary; Petru Movilă; paintings; Collection of Pontifical Institute of Oriental Studies; Rome;
Summary/Abstract: The Pontifical Institute of Oriental Studies from Rome has been founded in 1917, by the initiative of Pope Benedict the XVth and its designation was to create a connection between the Occidental and Oriental Christianity. The institute’s library began its activity in 1929 and during decades it became one of the most wealthy libraries, containing religious books concerning information of both christian and non-christian Easten spirituality. The study deals with some of the XVIIIth century editions from Petru Movilă’ s Pravoslavnica Mărturisire, that is sheltered by the institute’ library; it also refers to a coligat, containing Ioan Pustnicul’ s work, Nomokanon, translated by Petru Movilă, and the second edition of an Acatistier, both published in 1629, that can be found in the Library of Romanian Academy.
Journal: Libraria. Studii și cercetări de bibliologie
- Issue Year: XI/2007
- Issue No: 6
- Page Range: 288-304
- Page Count: 17
- Language: Romanian