South Batak Tradition for the Settlement of Environmental Disputes: A Tumbaga Holing Letter Model Cover Image
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South Batak Tradition for the Settlement of Environmental Disputes: A Tumbaga Holing Letter Model
South Batak Tradition for the Settlement of Environmental Disputes: A Tumbaga Holing Letter Model

Author(s): Anwar Sadat Harahap, Hardi Mulyono, Ahmad laut Hasibuan, Taufik Siregar
Subject(s): Economy, National Economy, Energy and Environmental Studies, Public Administration
Published by: ASERS Publishing
Keywords: environmental protection; Surat Tumbaga Holing; community of Batak;

Summary/Abstract: In recent years, there has been a lot of environmental destruction caused by human activities, such as: dumping garbage into rivers, lakes, seas, public roads and others. A series of environmental crimes arise because less firm of existing legal regulation on environmental protection. To seek the new model of environmental protection, an empirical research method with a normative juridical approach and a socio-legal approach were applied. The results of the study show that the South Batak community, based on intangible heritage, has a convention to protect nature and people from disaster and Sociological it was already applied for the environmental disputes resolution; it is through convention of South Batak of Tumbaga Holing Letter of Dalihan na Tolu (a tree parted system in community meeting). South Batak community practices a manifestation of the implementation of justice against the perpetrators of acts of environmental destruction with 7 (seven) types of sactions. The seventh sactions range from the low to hard punishments. It is a traditional model that can be adopted into the modern regulation, public policy or laws for environmental protection. It found that the South Batak Community model in prevention of environment destruction has a lot of elements of the judiciary that could be adopted and implemented for public policy and law making in national and international levels.

  • Issue Year: XII/2021
  • Issue No: 7(55)
  • Page Range: 1811-1825
  • Page Count: 15
  • Language: English
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