Depozit Bibliotecă. Dosarul unei ctitorii
Library Fonds. A Few Pages from a “Glorious” Communist Achievement
Author(s): Manuela ZănescuSubject(s): Library and Information Science
Published by: Biblioteca Centrala Universitara ,,Eugen Todoran" Timisoara
Keywords: communism; library history; library architecture; Central University Library of Timişoara;
Summary/Abstract: The article presents the difficult course the development of a university library took during the communist regime. The policy of urbanization, the directions of urban development, the architecture of buildings under communism, the legislation in the field, were all imported into the countries of the Soviet bloc from the USSR.Because the Central University Library of Timişoara was, until 1992, a department of the University of Timişoara, its spaces were located in the university building. For this reason, the moments that marked the development of the institution by equipping the library with new buildings are highlighted. There were two stages of development, the construction of the 1949 building and then the 1964 building, which housed the library. The permanent increase in library fonds required the university management to discuss and carry out a project for a building dedicated solely to the library., shortly after the library was moved to the tower block.Based on archival documents, but also on the interview with the architect who took care of the library project, an attempt was made to reconstruct some chronological moments from the history of founding a place of culture in the socialist Romania of the 1970s.
Journal: Lecturn
- Issue Year: 33/2021
- Issue No: 1-2/2021
- Page Range: 23-30
- Page Count: 8
- Language: Romanian