Evaluating synergy in mergers and acquisitions during the COVID-19 pandemic Cover Image

Ewaluacja efektu synergii w transakcjach fuzji i przejęć w czasie pandemii COVID-19
Evaluating synergy in mergers and acquisitions during the COVID-19 pandemic

Author(s): Joanna Toborek-Mazur, Karol Partacz
Subject(s): Economy, National Economy, Business Economy / Management
Published by: Stowarzyszenie Księgowych w Polsce
Keywords: synergy; mergers and acquisitions; equity concentration; goodwill; COVID-19; consolidation

Summary/Abstract: Purpose: The paper aims is to present synergy as a relevant source of information about goodwill, contributing to a more precise, balance-sheet evaluation (profitability) of a merger. Based on the mergers and acquisitions (M&A) market analysis, it was possible to assess this effectiveness assessment among individual companies during the COVID-19 pandemic. This, in turn, was used to determine the methodology for evaluating the synergy effect and the directions of changes in these transactions in individual sectors. Methodology/approach: The article consists of methods of comparative and descrip-tive analysis based on a review of the domestic and foreign literature and a critical assessment of the results from the exploration of data presented by five recognized financial and accounting rating and advisory agencies. Findings: By determining the determinants of the success of M&A transactions, it was possible to assess the impact of synergy on the number and value of these processes carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic, with their potential negative and positive economic consequences. The presented diagnoses and conclusions concern both the international and Polish M&A markets based on aggregated and sectoral data.Practical implications: The article points out the discrepancies in the evaluation of synergy during the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of the number and value of mergers and acquisitions, which are of cognitive importance for the development of potential synergy and building capital concentration. Originality: The article is the first attempt to evaluate the synergy in M&A during the COVID-19 pandemic and the effects of these events from economic and record-keeping points of view and from a comparative and descriptive analysis perspective.

  • Issue Year: 46/2022
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 101-118
  • Page Count: 18
  • Language: Polish
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