Jako „przestroga przed demontażem demokracji”. Uwagi i refleksje na marginesie polskiej edycji krytycznej Mein Kampf Adolfa Hitlera, w przekładzie i opracowaniu Eugeniusza Cezarego Króla
As ‘a Warning against the Dismantling of Democracy’. Notes and Reflections on the Margins of the Polish Critical Edition of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, Translated and Edited by Eugeniusz Cezary Król
Author(s): Alicja BartnickaSubject(s): Review, German Literature, Fascism, Nazism and WW II, Theory of Literature
Published by: Instytut Historii im. Tadeusza Manteuffla Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: Mein Kampf; Adolf Hitler; National Socialism; Third Reich; critical edition; World War II;
Summary/Abstract: This article discusses and evaluates the Polish critical edition of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf published by Bellona Publishing House. The translation and edition have been undertaken by Eugeniusz Cezary Król, an outstanding expert on German matters who has already selected and translated Joseph Goebbels’ Diaries. The edition of Mein Kampf prepared by him is the first complete Polish translation of Hitler’s work and has been provided with a scholarly commentary and critical apparatus.
Journal: Dzieje Najnowsze
- Issue Year: 53/2021
- Issue No: 3
- Page Range: 217-236
- Page Count: 20
- Language: Polish