Ladina terminid tsiviilõiguses: eestikeelsed originaalõpikud versus tõlkeõpikud
Latin terms in civil law: Original textbooks in Estonian versus translated textbooks
Author(s): Merike RistikiviSubject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Published by: Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühing (ERÜ)
Keywords: legal language; terminology; language area studies; language contact; Latin; Estonian
Summary/Abstract: The article discusses the occurrence of Latin terms in Estonian textbooks on civil law. As the object of study there have been selected eight textbooks that focus on different areas of civil law (property law, right of obligation, right of succession, family law and labour law). The genre type of a text is identified according to the function that the text acquires in communicative interaction. The materials analysed in the current article are classified as scientific texts. The purpose of a scientific text is to impart knowledge and to examine, elaborate and explicate the factual information concerning a particular discipline. The target group of the study aid which qualifies as a scientific text comprises university students, and its function is the introduction to the historical trends and the current principles of the various areas of civil law, as well as familiarisation with specialist lexis (Beaugrande, Dressler 1981: 192, Love 2002: 76).
Journal: Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu aastaraamat
- Issue Year: 2009
- Issue No: 5
- Page Range: 225-238
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Estonian