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Parfit’s Chellenges
Parfit’s Chellenges

Author(s): Marko Jurjako
Subject(s): Philosophy
Published by: KruZak
Keywords: reasons; rationality; desire and object-based theories

Summary/Abstract: In his long-awaited book On What Matters Parfit develops a normative theory that covers a whole range of normative concepts, from reasons and rationality to questions of moral progress and meaning of life. This paper  focuses on Parfit*s view on reasons and rationality, and especially concentrates on three theses that are implicitly or explicitly endorsed by Parfit. The theses are: 1) the concept of a normative reason cannot be explicated in a non-circular way, 2) rationality of non-normative beliefs never influences the rationality of desires and actions, and 3) there are no desire-based reasons. The main aim of the paper is to critically evaluate the plausibility of the latter three theses.

  • Issue Year: XI/2011
  • Issue No: 32
  • Page Range: 237-248
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: Croatian
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