The necessity of a modern approach to criminal
investigation of organized crime
The necessity of a modern approach to criminal
investigation of organized crime
Author(s): Azra JamakovićSubject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Political Sciences
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: organized crime; Council of Europe; special investigative measures; modern approach; criminal investigation; international cooperation; przestępczość zorganizowana; Rada Europy
Summary/Abstract: Since organized and other forms of crime are liable to change, modernisation and adaptation to specific social conditions, this phenomenon also requires some changes, but this time in the approach used in its detection, prevention, or proof. The primary reason for the selection of this topic is to draw the attention of the scientific society to the importance of expanding existing scientific and professional knowledge in the field of the criminal investigation of organized crime. Continuous and accelerated development of organized crime should be accompanied by the simultaneous development and improvement of tactical approaches to the investigation of this socially negative phenomenon. This article is primarily aimed at pointing out the importance of continuous improvement of traditional, classical, or methods in use, but also the development of new and modern activities that are used to combat organized crime. In addition to the conceptual definition and presentation of the elements that characterise organized crime, the author emphasises the importance of modernisation or improvement of the traditional investigation approach and presents a significant contemporary approach in the criminal investigation of organized crime. There is no success and progress in combating organized crime without proactive investigation, modern technologies, intelligence gathering, and special investigative measures. It should be noted that organized crime in most cases expands its activities to two or more countries, i.e., achieves cross-border activities that require international cooperation (criminal, police, interagency). The value of international police cooperation is also reflected in the fact that organized crime operates across national boundaries, does not choose society or state. Accordingly, it would be much more effective for judicial, police, and other competent authorities to remove any kind of obstacles, barriers and raise up international co-operation to the highest level, to establish an effective system for combating organized crime.
Journal: Przegląd Europejski
- Issue Year: 2021
- Issue No: 4
- Page Range: 45-61
- Page Count: 17
- Language: English