Holocaust Deniers and the West’s Black Conscience  Cover Image

Holocaust Deniers and the West’s Black Conscience
Holocaust Deniers and the West’s Black Conscience

Author(s): Petr Pelikán
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: Přítomnost

Summary/Abstract: Last summer I took part in a theological conference in Iran and witnessed a spontaneous debate between participants from several states. Actually, I noticed the man who began the debate on the first day of the conference. He was an Egyptian doctor from El Mansura. It was his first time abroad, and I had to explain to him how to use a hand lever shower at the hotel. In return he gave me a lecture on the firmness of faith and on the deception of Sunni Muslims.

  • Issue Year: 2010
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 15-17
  • Page Count: 3
  • Language: English
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