Not Only Bulla Gnieźnieńska: On the Importance of Zbylut’s Foundation Document (Issued in 1153) for Polish Historical and Linguistic Research Cover Image

Nie tylko Bulla gnieźnieńska. O znaczeniu dokumentu fundacyjnego Zbyluta (1153) dla polskich badań historycznojęzykowych
Not Only Bulla Gnieźnieńska: On the Importance of Zbylut’s Foundation Document (Issued in 1153) for Polish Historical and Linguistic Research

Part 2: The Relationship Between Versions of the Document

Author(s): Marcin Kuźmicki, Tomasz Mika
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Historical Linguistics
Published by: KSIĘGARNIA AKADEMICKA Sp. z o.o.
Keywords: relics of Old Polish language; transliteration; proper names; original; copy; abbreviation; diplomatics (medieval)

Summary/Abstract: This article is the second part of a series. The purpose of the first part was to introduce the Zbylut’sdocument (its original and copies) into the Polish historical-linguistic research, to verify and supplementthe existing transliterations, to show the document as an object of studies, and to selecthistorical information that may prove to be important from the historical-linguistic perspective. Thefoundation document issued in 1153 by knight Zbylut for the Cistercians in Łekno, called the Zbylut’sdocument, may be of value to historians of language for at least three reasons: first, it containsonomastic material from the mid-12th century; second, it is available in several versions (includingtwo parallel originals from the mid-12th century and one copy from the end of the same century),which are fully legible and perfectly preserved; and third, it has been carefully studied by a few generationsof historians. The results of their research constitute an invaluable and basic context forlinguistic analyses.However, the issue of the number of writing hands and the relationship between different versionsof the document, which is very important for linguistic research, could not be resolved unequivocally.Until now, it has usually been assumed that the three documents were written by two or three differenthands.

  • Issue Year: 17/2022
  • Issue No: 33
  • Page Range: 145-172
  • Page Count: 28
  • Language: Polish
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