Beautiful Petra in the Context of Contemporary Woman's Novel Cover Image

„Лепа Петра” у контексту савременог женског романа
Beautiful Petra in the Context of Contemporary Woman's Novel

Author(s): Radmila Satarić
Subject(s): Gender Studies, Novel, Serbian Literature, Theory of Literature, Sociology of Literature
Published by: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti
Keywords: the novel Lepa Petra; space; toponym; a female figure; myth; home;

Summary/Abstract: The choice for the title of our research suggests thematic and interpretative directions for the novel Lepa Petra. We have decided on a phenomenological analysis of space in the novel and an appreciation of its potential cultural meanings, different psychological connections, as well as the archetypes associated with them. From the geography and the chronotope of the road, we direct the reading of these parts of the text to those which reveal gender marking, thus the novel can be read, through the character of the protagonist Petra, as an example of the permeation of different ways of presenting a woman.

  • Issue Year: LV/2019
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 86-92
  • Page Count: 7
  • Language: Serbian
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