Kaygı Filminde Gerçeğin Peşindeki Özne: Jacques Lacan Perspektifinden Bir Değerlendirme
The Subject Being Out To The Truth In The Film Inflame: An Evaluation From The Perspective Of Jacques Lacan
Author(s): Veysel ErgüçSubject(s): Philosophy, Evaluation research, Present Times (2010 - today), Film / Cinema / Cinematography
Published by: Serdar Öztürk
Keywords: Subjectivity; Jacques Lacan; lack; the truth; Inflame;
Summary/Abstract: This study analyzes Hasret being a dramatis personae in the film Inflame (Ceylan Özgün Özçelik, 2017) through the lens of Jacques Lacan’s concept of subjectivity. The adventure of Hasret will be analyzed within the framework of truth, imaginary area and symbolic area in Lacan’s model of subjectivity. In this respect, Hasret’s progress from symbolic to the truth will be examined. Symbolic area and the truth will be defined as neighbour. The effort of Hasret being in symbolic area in order to teach the truth will be narrated. It will be declared that Hasret is near to the truth while she is living in the symbolic field. It will be said that although Hasret is exposed to discourse constructed by the “Autre”, she aims to get rid of the lack and symbolic area and aspire to reach the truth. In this study, aim of Hasret in order to teach the truth will be conveyed from the perspective of Lacan. In the study, it will be argued that Hasret has the anxiety of confronting the truth while she is in the symbolic field. It will be said that the reason of this anxiety is inflame referring the truth in Hasret’s dream. Because of the fact that Hasret relates the truth and inlame in her dream, because of this she is traumatized.
Journal: SineFilozofi
- Issue Year: 7/2022
- Issue No: 13
- Page Range: 81-101
- Page Count: 21
- Language: Turkish