Resilience in Strategic Documents and Practice of Romania Cover Image

Resilience in Strategic Documents and Practice of Romania
Resilience in Strategic Documents and Practice of Romania

Author(s): Artem Fylypenko
Subject(s): Regional Geography, Politics and society, Social psychology and group interaction, Present Times (2010 - today)
Published by: PIC Promotion of the Intercultural Cooperation
Keywords: Romania; Resilience; Ukraine;

Summary/Abstract: In recent years, Romania has been paying increased attention to the topic of resilience. In its National Defence Strategy 2020-2024 basic approaches to strengthening the resilience of Romania are described and it is assumed that resilience covers all stages of a crisis, from prevention (where possible) to adjustment and limitation of effects (when necessary), and includes positive transformations that strengthen the ability of current and future generations to provide what they need. In practice, enhancing Romania’s resilience was realised in establishing the Euro-Atlantic Centre for Resilience, a public institution under the authority of the MFA of Romania. This article attempts to analyse the steps Romania is taking to build resilience, and the ability for Ukraine to benefit from Romania’s experience.

  • Issue Year: 7/2021
  • Issue No: 03 (25)
  • Page Range: 36-41
  • Page Count: 6
  • Language: English
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