Frazeologie biblică. Cu referire la unele versiuni (ortodoxe și heterodoxe) contemporane: textul psalmic și textul evanghelic
Biblical phraseology. With reference to some contemporary (Orthodox and heterodox) versions: the Psalms and the Gospels
Author(s): Dana-Luminița TeleoacăSubject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Philology, Translation Studies, Phraseology
Published by: Editura Universităţii »Alexandru Ioan Cuza« din Iaşi
Keywords: Psalm; Gospel; phraseology; linguistic/stylistic conservatism; typology; unity;
Summary/Abstract: Our study represents a double comparative synchronic research, which aims to analyze the phraseological structures in the modern text of Psalms compared to the Gospel text. In our analysis we deepen and take into consideration the representative biblical versions of different denominations, respectively Orthodox and heterodox (Catholics and Protestants) (BO, BI, BP, and NTC). For this research we have considered many structures with religious meanings, or those that are met only in ecclesiastical texts, but we have also taken into account a series of common language constructions. After the material was extracted and classified according to the categorical content, we have shown to what extent the valorization of the idiomatic phrases supports the intrinsic traditionalism of the ecclesiastic text, as well as the possibility to be part of the typological perspective. Two other objectives of our approach have concerned the question regarding a possible stylistic conservatism, on the one hand, and the degree of linguistic and stylistic unity of the text envisaged, on the other.
Journal: Receptarea Sfintei Scripturi: între filologie, hermeneutică şi traductologie
- Issue Year: 10/2021
- Issue No: 1
- Page Range: 145-158
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Romanian