The Banality of Social Harm: The Case of Fast Fashion Cover Image

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The Banality of Social Harm: The Case of Fast Fashion

Author(s): Katja Simončič
Subject(s): Supranational / Global Economy, Social Philosophy, Sociology
Published by: Slovensko sociološko društvo (in FDV)
Keywords: social harm; fast fashion; banality of evil; non-thinking; Hannah Arendt;

Summary/Abstract: While the majority of Generation Z consumers claim that ethical and sustainable issues are important to them, the rapid growth of the fast-fashion market shows that such issues are still largely neglected in practice. The paper focuses on Hannah Arendt’s concepts of the banality of evil and the failure to think. A comparative analysis is conducted of the conditions that contributed to the non-thinking of ordinary Germans and their subsequent participation in the Nazi atrocities, and the conditions for the non-thinking of fast-fashion consumers. Aside from gaining a better understanding of the non-thinking of fashion consumers, this paper’s primary purpose is to problematise the phenomenon of fast fashion. The analysis points to the harmful nature of the global capitalist economy, which encourages non-thinking, and to the need for critical thinking and the consequent questioning of the normality of phenomena like fast fashion.

  • Issue Year: 38/2022
  • Issue No: 99
  • Page Range: 77-101
  • Page Count: 25
  • Language: Slovenian
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