The Ice Silk Road or Midgardsorm: Possible Recent Challenges for China’s ‘One Belt, One Road’ Project Through the Northern Artic Route Cover Image

„Леденият път на коприната“ или „мидгардсорм“ – възможни скорошни предизвикателства пред Китай и реализирането на проекта „Един пояс, един път“ през Северния арктически път
The Ice Silk Road or Midgardsorm: Possible Recent Challenges for China’s ‘One Belt, One Road’ Project Through the Northern Artic Route

Author(s): Michael Kozarski
Subject(s): Economy, National Economy, Geopolitics
Published by: Великотърновски университет „Св. св. Кирил и Методий”
Keywords: Ice Silk Road; Midgard Serpent; Geopolitics and Geo-strategy; Bilateral Relations; G-7; Japan; Russia; Aquatics and sovereign waters;

Summary/Abstract: China’s global project ‘One Belt, One Road’ has been one of the most frequently covered subject by scholars in recent human history. However, there is one more aspect which remains hidden in this topic – The Polar Maritime Route. It is the third and for now final aspect in the new geopolitical perception of contemporary Chinese thought, and is often referred to as the Ice Silk Road or in this case, Midgardsorm. Scholars and analysts often focus either on the Silk Road Economic Belt or on the 21st-Century Maritime Road and leave the Ice Silk Road in the margins. The main task of the author is to find, if possible, any future outside challenges which may obstruct the pavement of the Ice Silk Road through the Bering Strait and prevent the connection between China and Western-Central Europe via the North Maritime Route or the Artic Maritime Route.

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