Pastoral-Missionary Conference of the Clergy in The Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas Cover Image

Conferința pastoral-misionară a preoților Mitropoliei Ortodoxe Române a celor Două Americi
Pastoral-Missionary Conference of the Clergy in The Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas

Author(s): George Bâzgan
Subject(s): History of Church(es), Pastoral Theology, Eastern Orthodoxy, Conference Report
Published by: Editura Institutului Biblic și de Misiune Ortodoxă
Keywords: Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas; pastoral-missionary conference; religious ethnic linguistic and cultural identity;

Summary/Abstract: Between 27-28 August 2021 took place via the Zoom platform the Pastoral-Missionary Conference for the clergy of The Romanian Orthodox Metropolia of the Americas. On Friday, August 27, at 6.00 pm (EST), His Eminence Nicolae, the Romanian Orthodox Metropolitan of the Americas, began the event by the intonation of the Heavenly King prayer, after which he greeted all those present with a word of welcome, expressing his joy to be together once again, and recalling the brotherly atmosphere of the two previous similar encounters, in Chicago and Mississauga. Afterwards, His Eminence made a general presentation of the work agenda. In turn, His Grace Ioan Casian, the Romanian Orthodox Bishop of Canada, greeted all the participants, saying that in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, virtual encounter remains the best option. His Grace expressed the hope that all conclusions which we would reach after this conference will be put into practice in order to accomplish a most fruitful and utmost efficient pastoral care. His Eminence Metropolitan Nicolae then presented the meditation “The Priest’s Mission in a Complicated and Confused World”. After His Eminence Nicolae, Rev. Father Chad Hatfield, President of Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in the NY State, was invited to present his meditation on the topic “What Future for the Orthodox Church on the American Continent?”. The next day, Saturday, August 28, at 12.00 pm (EST), the Pastoral-Missionary Conference was resumed, and following the usual prayer, participants listened to the video recording of the message of His Beatitude Father Daniel, the Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church. After His Beatitude Patriarch’s Daniel message, His Grace Ioan Casian presented the meditation of “Mission and Christian purpose in contemporaneity – to love and to be love” and Rev. Fr. Ioan Teșu, Professor at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology “Dumitru Stăniloae” from Jassy, held the talk: “The Contemporary Family – between Ideal and Crisis”.After the thanks addressed by our hierarchs, there followed a segment of questions and answers. As it had been the case in the previous evening’s meeting, the participants were divided into four groups, in which discussions were held, and the conclusions of which were then presented in plenary. The Pastoral-Missionary Conference ended with a prayer addressed to the Mother of God and with the hope of being reunited in-person as soon as possible, resuming our brotherly communion that is so necessary.

  • Issue Year: 2021
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 375-382
  • Page Count: 8
  • Language: Romanian
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