Environmentalism of university students in relation to their materialism, life satisfaction, views on politics and pandemic Cover Image

Egyetemi hallgatók környezettudatossága a materializmus, az élettel való elégedettség, a politikai, illetve a pandémiával kapcsolatos nézeteik függvényében
Environmentalism of university students in relation to their materialism, life satisfaction, views on politics and pandemic

Author(s): Ferenc Mónus, Tamás Béres, Flórián Sipos
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Debreceni Egyetem Politikatudományi és Szociológiai Intézet
Keywords: environmental attitudes; pro-environmental behavior; materialism; life satisfaction; Covid-19 pandemic; political views

Summary/Abstract: Recently, an increasing focus has been made on studying environmental problems and the related social phenomena. Understanding the environmentalism and its influencing factors in the case of higher education students can greatly help the preparation and identification of sustainability policies and educational practices in higher education institutions. In this study, we investigated environmental attitudes and pro-environmental behaviour of students at 17 Hungarian universities as a function of a number of hypothesized influencing factors. These included materialistic values, life satisfaction, political views, and views on theCovid-19 pandemic. According to our results, these were all related to environmentalism. More environmentally conscious students were less materialistic, less right-wing in their political views, more satisfied with their lives, and also differed in their views on pandemic issues. Beside a weaker impact of environmentalism and political views, life satisfaction was largely influenced by the relative financial situation perceived by respondents.

  • Issue Year: 11/2022
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 70-97
  • Page Count: 28
  • Language: Hungarian
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