Turkey`s Harmless Tango Between East and West
Turkey`s Harmless Tango Between East and West
Author(s): Selma MujanovićSubject(s): Politics / Political Sciences
Published by: International University of Sarajevo
Keywords: Turkish Foreign Policy; Neo-Ottomanism; AKP Party; EU; the Balkans; the Middle East; Central Asia
Summary/Abstract: Turkey got actively involved in world politics and international relations after AKP came to power in early 2000s. Turkey`s foreign policy since AKP came to power, has the theoretical basis in Davutoglu`s Strategic Depth. New doctrines rely on historical right inherited from the Ottoman Empire, which contributed towards Turkish pro-active and multi-dimensional foreign policy. Without forgetting traditional Western allies, Turkey has established itself as a regional power in the Balkans, Middle East and Central Asia with significant success. This paper attempts to analyze how Turkey has been playing a harmless tango between its traditional allies in the West and regions in the near abroad which had made Turkey a global player in the international relations. Then, it is important to analyze Turkey's transformation and its approved role by the Western powers as a strong Islamic country with secular governance in the Middle East and Central Asia.
Journal: Epiphany. Journal of Transdisciplinary Studies
- Issue Year: 6/2013
- Issue No: 2
- Page Range: 205-215
- Page Count: 13
- Language: English