Irregulatiries in presenting the budget execution and budget result in the Republic of Srpska municipalitiees Cover Image

Irregulatiries in presenting the budget execution and budget result in the Republic of Srpska municipalitiees
Irregulatiries in presenting the budget execution and budget result in the Republic of Srpska municipalitiees

Author(s): Jelena Poljašević, Bojan Ćurić
Subject(s): National Economy, Governance, Financial Markets, Public Finances, Fiscal Politics / Budgeting, Accounting - Business Administration
Published by: Finrar d.o.o Banja Luka
Keywords: budget execution; budget result; local governments;

Summary/Abstract: In this work irregularities in the presentation of the budget execution and the budget result in the units of local government of the Republic of Srpska are considered through the conducting financial audits by the Audit Office of the Republic of Srpska. Although the definition of surplus, deficit and debt are easily understood, when determining the actual values of these parameters in practice there are significant problems. The part of these problems stems from the concept of financial reporting and general accounting inconsistencies budget but mainly because of the wrong approach to budget planning and unrealistic execution that usually occurs due to the forming and ac-cumulation of obligations over the available budget funds. It is very important to identify and analyze these problems to find possibilities to overcome them in order to gain a better insight into the actual/real budgetary result, because lack of information and knowledge on financial statements can lead to making wrong decisions or wrong public opinion.

  • Issue Year: 8/2017
  • Issue No: 1
  • Page Range: 17-28
  • Page Count: 12
  • Language: English, Serbian
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