“True Men of God” in “Satanic Cities”. Religion and Hybrid Masculinity of Polish Migrants in England, Belgium and Sweden Cover Image

„Prawdziwi mężczyźni Boga” w „szatańskich miastach”. Religia i hybrydyczna męskość polskich migrantów w Anglii, Belgii i Szwecji
“True Men of God” in “Satanic Cities”. Religion and Hybrid Masculinity of Polish Migrants in England, Belgium and Sweden

Author(s): Katarzyna Leszczyńska, Katarzyna Zielińska, Sylwia Urbańska
Subject(s): Social Sciences
Published by: Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Keywords: gender; migration; religion

Summary/Abstract: In the article we analyse the construction of masculinity by Polish migrants involved in Polish organisations of the Catholic Church abroad. The results of the research that we conducted in 2016–2018 with religiously active Polish migrant men in three countries – England, Belgium and Sweden – are presented. The heuristic framework of the analysis is the concept of hybrid masculinity understood as a conglomerate of social practices and rules derived from various gender patterns. We show how, in the process of selective inclusion, meanings and practices attributed to e.g. femininity are incorporated into the new religious masculinity pattern. We demonstrate how religion a mechanism of social segregation, stratification and mobility within gender hierarchy that elevates Polish religious masculinity to dominant positions in the symbolic order.

  • Issue Year: 246/2022
  • Issue No: 3
  • Page Range: 55-82
  • Page Count: 28
  • Language: Polish
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