Education through the eyes of students studying in Krakow in the pandemic era Cover Image

Edukacja zdalna oczami studentów kształcących się w Krakowie w dobie pandemii
Education through the eyes of students studying in Krakow in the pandemic era

Author(s): Dominika Gurbisz
Subject(s): Psychology, Higher Education , Health and medicine and law, Distance learning / e-learning
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego
Keywords: COVID-19; distance learning; pandemic; stress; students;

Summary/Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has a negative effect on the mental and physical wellbeing of almost every individual on the globe. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the population of students studying in Krakow, Poland. This paper presents a meta-analysis of the impact of the epidemic on the lives of students around the world. The aftermath of the pandemic is discussed ranging from obligatory educational changes, sudden transformations in the job market, to the psychosocial consequences of the new circumstances that came with the spread of the virus. An analysis of a study conducted on students from Krakow is presented; it indicates that professors’ preparation for online classes is for the most part unsatisfactory. Interestingly, however, many students are satisfied with the fact that their education is conducted remotely. Compared to the data from currently available studies, the level of pandemic stress is slowly decreasing over time. Although people’s psychological wellbeing is improving, it has not returned to its pre-pandemic state.

  • Issue Year: 54/2021
  • Issue No: 2
  • Page Range: 73-83
  • Page Count: 11
  • Language: Polish
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