The essence of entrepreneurship and its functions. Personalistic foundation in the light of holism Cover Image

Istota przedsiębiorczości i jej funkcje. Ujęcie personalistyczne w świetle holizmu.
The essence of entrepreneurship and its functions. Personalistic foundation in the light of holism

Author(s): Barbara Siuta-Tokarska,
Subject(s): Business Economy / Management
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Keywords: entrepreneurship; personalism; model;

Summary/Abstract: The publication shows problems connected with entrepreneurship in their theoretical dimension. It has been worked out on the basis of a wide critical analysis of the academic literature. The aim of this scientific work is an attempt to capture the essence of entrepreneurship and to look at entrepreneurship from the perspective of its functions. Two research questions have been posed, and the answers to them have been looked for. A kind of added value to this particular work is an attempt to show the holistic approach to entrepreneurship which is based on preserving the noumenal and the ontological congruency. This perspective refers to the problems of philosophical anthropology, the foundation of which is personalism. The adoption of a holistic perspective, based on a personalistic foundation, was dictated by the basic assumptions of this current form of modern philosophy, where the centre of interest are issues related to the place and role of a person in the surrounding world, as well as man’s attitude to his products, and works that can be the result of entrepreneurial activities. The research perspective presented in this way enables, according to the author, to ensure the development of three basic categories of values, the importance of which is indisputable in the implementation of entrepreneurship ideas. These are the values: − related to the personal development of an individual – an entrepreneurial person, − reflected in social and economic relations, and also − of a mixed nature. The theoretical divagations have also made it possible to work out the model of a holistic perspective of an approach to entrepreneurship which constitutes the unique, creative way of scientific reflection pointing out to the discovery of the entrepreneurship functions perceived as: personalistic function, personalistic entrepreneur, managerial activities seen as personalistic and phenomenological as well as a market function based on economic personalism.

  • Issue Year: 2022
  • Issue No: 70
  • Page Range: 19-40
  • Page Count: 22
  • Language: Polish
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