Revision of the Convention Regarding the Regime of Navigation on the Danube Cover Image

Revizija Konvencije o režimu plovidbe Dunavom
Revision of the Convention Regarding the Regime of Navigation on the Danube

Author(s): Aleksandra Regodić
Subject(s): International Law
Published by: Институт за међународну политику и привреду
Keywords: principle of freedom of navigation; Convention regarding the Regime of Navigation on the Danube; Danube Commission; revision of the Belgrade Convention; Preparatory Committee; International Treaties

Summary/Abstract: The paper follows the development of the principle of freedom of navigationon a multilateral level, primarily within the framework of the Conventionregarding the Regime of Navigation on the Danube, which emphasizes theinterests of the riparian countries in the foreground. Bearing in mind that theConvention was adopted in circumstances significantly different fromtoday’s, the question of the need for its revision legitimately arose. For thispurpose, the Danube Commission, as a supervisory mechanism, establishedthe Preparatory Committee for the diplomatic conference on the revision ofthe Belgrade Convention, focusing on: institutional and procedural issues ofthe Danube Commission, membership, the Commission’s decision-makingprocess, language, and reform of the Secretariat. The goal of the research is togain a better insight into the importance of the revision process, and providecertain guidelines and predictions regarding the further development ofmatters related to the necessary revision of the Convention, all by analyzingrelevant historical segments and positive legal solutions contained in theConvention, taking into account the previous work on revision. This is amatter that is of particular importance for the Republic of Serbia as thedepository of the Convention, but also for the entire Danube region and thestrengthening of mutual cooperation. Likewise, the issue of membership, asone of the priorities, was brought up again, from a different angle, in thecontext of the Ukrainian crisis, which confirms the importance of this research.The hypothesis that will be confirmed in the paper is that the revision of theConvention is necessary to a certain extent, taking into account the changedcircumstances that have occurred in the last couple of decades. Simply put,there is no international treaty that would be valid in its original form at alltimes and in all circumstances.

  • Issue Year: 73/2022
  • Issue No: 1185
  • Page Range: 97-120
  • Page Count: 24
  • Language: Serbian
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