Framework for Assessing Virtualization Maturity of Universities Cover Image

Framework for Assessing Virtualization Maturity of Universities
Framework for Assessing Virtualization Maturity of Universities

Author(s): Maria Mach-Król, Tomasz Gładysz
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy
Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: virtualization; maturity index; university

Summary/Abstract: Purpose: The main purpose of this paper is to discuss universities’ virtualization activities and to proposea framework for assessing the maturity of these actions at any university. Design/methodology/approach: The maturity model has been developed according to the DesignScience Research in Information Systems (DSRIS) methodology as outlined by Vaishnavi, Kuechlerand Petter (2019). Findings: The main finding in the paper is a new framework called Virtual Index of Maturity (VIM) thatcan help to measure the current state of universities’ virtualization activities and to plan their futuredevelopment. The proposed framework includes all areas of their activity: teaching, research and administrationand allows for assessing the virtualization maturity of each of them, considering their specificity.Consequently, the overall information on universities’ maturity in the context of virtualization activities isobtained. Such information can be used by university authorities to plan subsequent steps of development. Research limitations/implications: Once published and applied, the proposed framework of the VirtualMaturity Index (VIM) should be evaluated as part of further research, with any necessary correctionsas deemed necessary. This should lead to the development of best practice for university managers,researchers and other stakeholders involved in virtualization issues.Originality/value: Our paper provides important contributions to both theory and practice in the area ofuniversities’ virtualization operations. The Virtual Maturity Index (VIM) is a proprietary, original solution.

  • Issue Year: 20/2022
  • Issue No: 2 (96)
  • Page Range: 70-98
  • Page Count: 19
  • Language: English
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