Placówki zgromadzenia sióstr benedyktynek czynnych utworzone za życia matki Jadwigi Kuleszy (1859 – 1931)
Facilities of the Congregation of the Benedictic Sisters created during the life of mother Jadwiga Kulesza (1851 – 1931)
Author(s): Ambrozja Jadwiga KalinowskaSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, History, History of Church(es), Recent History (1900 till today), Canon Law / Church Law
Published by: Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
Keywords: benedictine missionary sisters; Columba Janina Gabriel OSB; Jadwiga Józefa Kulesza OSB; Biała Cerkiew; Kowel; Łuckl; Lublin
Summary/Abstract: The article presented here is contributory and remains in a correlation of the first incomplete publication of the sketch of Mother Jadwiga biography (due to lack of appropriate sources) the founder in 1917 of Polish Benedictine Branch Monastery in Biala Cerkiew near Kyiv [A. J. Kalinowska – („Straight on curved lines’’) – Prosto na krzywych liniach Olsztyn 1996.] for the Roman Congregation Suore Benedettine di Carita organized by MotherColumba Gabriel OSB in Rome. This institution after losing home during the bolshevik revolution in 1919 ceased to exist. It was reborn in 1920 in Kowl and later transformed by Dub-Dubowski Bishop of Łuck and Żytomierz to an independent congregation under diocesan law. Mother Jadwiga couldn’t agree with that.When above- mentioned bishop ordered the electoral chapter in 1921, she left the congregation and started itineraries wandering lasted six years trying to establish branches for Roman Congregation in Poland. Her attempts usually failed because of a lack of relevant documents for that task. A reliable witness was needed to establish the institution and its erection. That witness occurs Father doctor Paweł Dziubiński towards the Diocesan Bishop in 1926 in Lublin. That Benedictine institution functioned after the erection for about two weeks. The donated house which was in Szpitalna street 10 in Lublin was refused. Father Dziubiński then took Mother Jadwiga (with aspirant Julcia) into his presbytery in Lublin. On the occasion of a meeting of Benedictine Sisters from Kowl on the collection of charity the matter resolved itself. Mother Jadwiga and the aspirant were taken soon to Kowl and thento Łuck for better conditions. This article is part of the following publications of the abovementioned author about persons around Mother Jadwiga Kulesza. It is about such figures as: Fr. Jan Wüstenberg, Fr. Antoni Jagłowski and Jadwiga Russanowska-Alexandrowicz.
Journal: Studia Elbląskie
- Issue Year: 2020
- Issue No: 21
- Page Range: 91-103
- Page Count: 14
- Language: Polish