Creation and Integral Ecology. A Biblical-Theological Perspective
Creation and Integral Ecology. A Biblical-Theological Perspective
Author(s): Marek KarczewskiSubject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion
Published by: Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
Keywords: theology of creation; integral ecology; biblical texts about creation; Jesus Christ and creation; Church and ecology
Summary/Abstract: This article is entitled: Creation and Integral Ecology. A biblical-theological perspective. The concept of integral ecology has been emerging in scientific discussion for some years. It is also addressed in Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato si (2015). The biblical theology of creation can be one of the sources for integral ecology. From a biblical perspective, integral ecology concerns human beings and creation. The integral ecologist asks about human dignity before birth and about social injustice. From the perspective of biblical theology, Jesus Christ plays an important role. He is the beginning of a new creation. In eschatology, he leads the whole creation to perfection. Christians should work in favour of ecology because the world was created by God and has been renewed by Jesus Christ. Furthermore, the church should be a community of brotherly love. Everyone should have equal access to the goods of nature. Biblical truth about creation can be an important source for environmental activities.
Journal: Studia Elbląskie
- Issue Year: 2017
- Issue No: 18
- Page Range: 309-321
- Page Count: 13
- Language: English