Conditions necessary for admission to theological seminaries, in the period of Second Polish Republic, based on the example of the Higher Theological Seminary in Płock Cover Image

Warunki przyjmowania kandydatów do seminarium duchownego w II RP na przykładzie Seminarium Duchownego w Płocku
Conditions necessary for admission to theological seminaries, in the period of Second Polish Republic, based on the example of the Higher Theological Seminary in Płock

Author(s): Dagmara Pipczyńska
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Theology and Religion, Canon Law / Church Law
Published by: Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi
Keywords: Higher Theological Seminary in Płock; higher education; university

Summary/Abstract: The article is about issues related to the conditions of admitting candidates to seminaries in the period of the Second Polish Republic. The issues were presented on the example of the Higher TheologicalSeminary in Płock. This article was divided into thematic sections, starting with the discussion of the institutional outline and formal preparation of candidates for the priesthood. This section refers to the decisions of theCouncil of Trent. Next section of this article concerns the general admission conditions for candidates to universities in the Second Polish Republic.The article also draws attention to important role of the preparation for priestly, in the light of the rules the Code of Canon Law of 1917. The following subsections of the dissertation refer directly to issues related to the organization and functioning of the Higer Theological Seminary in Płock. At this point, Author presented path of Theological Seminary in Płock to become a higher education institution.The article ends with a summary, which concludes that the theological seminaries in the SecondPolish Republic, although they didn’t fit into the framework of „secular” education, presented a significant scientific and didactic level.

  • Issue Year: 31/2022
  • Issue No: 4
  • Page Range: 37-55
  • Page Count: 19
  • Language: Polish
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