Students’ Preferences for the Fostering of Their Learning Autonomy by Teachers Cover Image

Preferencje uczących się wobec czynności nauczyciela wspierających autonomię w opanowywaniu wiedzy i umiejętności
Students’ Preferences for the Fostering of Their Learning Autonomy by Teachers

Author(s): Anna Studenska
Subject(s): Pedagogy
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Keywords: fostering learning autonomy; preferences for fostering learning autonomy; learning autonomy

Summary/Abstract: Assisting students in the process of becoming independent learnersis regarded as one of the goals of education. Achieving this goal has currentlybecome more urgent because of the increasing amount of available information.Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has made common the usage of remoteeducation, which often demands more independent decisions concerning theacquisition of skills and knowledge on the part of the learner than in the classeswhere the teacher is in person available for students. Research shows that peoplediffer in their preferences for situations which demand making independentdecisions from them. Also, there are also a few instruments which allow tomeasure learners’ preferences for the teacher’s activities aimed at increasingthe learning autonomy of class participants. For this reason, the aim of this studyhas been to investigate students’ preferences as regards the fostering of theirlearning autonomy by teachers. Fostering Learner Independence Inventory wasconstructed for the purpose of the research. Data was gathered in 2019 and 2020among 137 and 87 university students respectively. The results have shown thatout of the analyzed teachers’ activities aimed at fostering learners’ autonomythe ones most preferred by the students who participated in the research werelistening to class participants and providing them with the opportunity to expresstheir opinions. The results from the two research groups show a significant increasein the data gathered in 2021 in comparison to the data from 2019 in therespondents’ preferences for the teacher’s messages expressing their understandingof students’ experiences of difficulties in learning and motivating themto study. Practical conclusions from the research results have been drawn.

  • Issue Year: 1/2021
  • Issue No: 56
  • Page Range: 1-28
  • Page Count: 28
  • Language: Polish
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